Select Data

Select Data. 1

Introduction. 1

DataList Mode. 1

Condition Mode. 2


This form provides an easy way to build data lists for PRINT and similar statements, and conditions for WHERE, IF, etc, and $Case(?) in conversion spreadsheets.  It is displayed when Jazz processes a “?”, for example if your program contains “PRINT ?;”, or when you click the workbench’s [Show Data] button.  Jazz will attempt to initiate this form in the appropriate mode, but you can toggle the mode by checking/unchecking the Mode checkbox.

DataList Mode

In DataList (or normal) mode the form looks like this, showing a list of the objects defined within your program.  By clicking a [+] you can expand the node to see the next level of objects.  Here we’ve expanded W and CondTS2: -


Click on an object and a reference is put into Output.  Here we’ve clicked W, AFF2, and ORG.   Jazz has created a data list suitable for statements like PRINT, in which the references are separated by commas.  Note that when we selected W Jazz created a generic reference, but the references to AFF2 and ORG are qualified field references: -


When we have selected all the fields or groups click [Finish] and this output will replace the ? in our program.   We can click [Clear] to clear the Output and start again, or we can click [Cancel] to close the form and leave the ? in the program.   We can also edit the output, and any changes we make will be returned to our program when we click [Finish].

Condition Mode

Condition mode is designed to help us write conditions, as in IF statements, WHERE clauses, and $Case(?) lines in conversion spreadsheets.  Although it works in essentially the same way as DataList mode, there are two changes: -

·         Firstly, we may see another level of detail.  With the data above displayed in Condition Mode fields defined as BOOLEAN, or with CODES or CONDITIONS options, will be with “=”.  Click any such field and you’ll see the possible values that this field can have.  Select a value and instead of simply a field reference Jazz creates a condition: -


ORG was defined

    ORG PIC '9(03)' CODES(000:HEADER, 999:TRAILER),


·         If we select several values then Jazz separates them with |  (= OR), instead of a comma.  For example, here we’ve clicked two of the AFF2 values: -


This created a condition    CondTs2.AFF2=MC-GOLD-CR|CondTs2.AFF2=MC-BUSINESS-CR


As in DataList mode you can click on a field name, whether it is a name with values like AFF2 or a bare name like W.X.  If you click such a name the field reference is put into the output: it is up to you to write the rest of the condition.  

Editing the Output

Because you can edit the output before it is sent back to the program you can easily change | (OR) to & (AND), use conditions other than =, and insert parentheses to manage conditional logic.  For example, I created this condition: -

            CondTs2.ORG=HEADER & W.X>10


1.            Clicked value CondTs2.Org.HEADER.   This gave a condition CondTs2.ORG=HEADER

2.            Clicked value W.X.  This added “|W.X” to the condition:  CondTs2.ORG=HEADER|W.X

3.            Edited the condition, changing | to &, and adding >10 at the end


You might want to create a condition from two fields, for example SalesThisMonth = SalesYTD: -


If we click on SalesThisMonth and then SalesYTD the output will be created with the separator character – “,” for data mode and “|” for condition mode – between the fields.  This can be edited to “=”.


If we type “AND” or “OR” at the end of the Output this will be changed to “&” or “|”.  This only applies if these are typed at the right hand end of the text.