

Function. 1

Format 1

To invoke another CICS task. 1

To invoke a web service. 1

Web Services Discovery. 1



CALL and INVOKE both pass control [and parameters] to another, separately compiled object, so they are similar but they are not the same: - 

·         CALL passes control to a subprogram which is written separately but linked into the same executable program as the object containing the CALL. CALL may be used in either Batch or CICS programs.   Control will return to the statement following CALL unless there’s a program error (Abnormal termination, or “Abend”).

·         INVOKE is only valid in CICS programs and web services, and the “call” is managed by CICS.  The invoked object may be another CICS program, including a CICS program within another CICS system, or it may be a web service.  Program execution may be terminated after INVOKE has passed control.


To pass control and parameter[s] to another CICS or Web Service task. 


To invoke another CICS task

            INVOKE CICSName [(parameter)] [TRANSFER | ABENDIF(condition)];

CICS-name follows the rules for external names, i.e. it must be eight characters or less, and may not contain a hyphen. There may be a single parameter, typically a COMMAREA definition. Like CALL, for INVOKE to be used there must be a definition of the program’s interface, typically provided with COPY.  For example



In this example COPY CICS1C; causes the following interface definition to be used: -



CICS1C can be almost any COMMAREA definition, provided that it includes a field named JZ-XCTL, defined as shown.  The field does not have to be the last or only field in the COMMAREA, but it must be present if you are invoking a program generated by MANASYS.



The reason for this is that before INVOKE passes control the generated COBOL executes a MOVE to JZ-XCTL like #3030: -

003020*    INVOKE CICS1(CICS1C);                                        CICSXX

003030     MOVE 'Y' TO JZ-XCTL OF CICS1C.                               CICSXX

003040     EXEC CICS                                                    CICSXX


003060     END-EXEC.                                                    CICSXX

This allows the invoked program to recognize that it has been passed a COMMAREA, but no input screen. 

If TRANSFER is specified the current program is terminated.  Execution continues with the invoked program, and will not return to the called program, but will return to the current program’s return point.

To invoke a web service

            INVOKE Service-Name (Input message)] [REPLY(Output message)] [ABENDIF(condition)];

For example,



The service-name is hyphenated, dividing it into two parts: -

1.    The first part (MyJSv in this case) is a shorthand label for the URL, assigned when the web service was defined.

2.    There may be several programs (in some context, called “operations”) at this URL, so the second part names the program that you are invoking, in this case JSPG1. 

3.    The COPY book MyJSv-JSPG1 will contain three definitions: -

a.    DEFINE MyJSv-JSPG1 SYSTEM DATA(…);   gives some information about this service and program.

b.    DEFINE IJSPG1 WEBSERVICE DATA(…); describes the input message passed to the program

c.     DEFINE OJSPG1 WEBSERVICE DATA(…); describes the output message returned from the program.

d.    There must be no DEFINE statements between these definitions, although they can appear before DEFINE MyJSv-JSPG1 or after OJSPG1.

Web services are invoked with an input message, and normally return an output message.  Even when the format of the output data is the same as the input these are separate records in your program, and you do not have INOUT parameters. 


Normally you write INVOKE REPLY, e.g.
            INVOKE MyJSv-JSPG1(IJSPG1.*) REPLY(OJSPG1.*);

The program invokes the web service, sending it an input message, and waits.  When the response is received the program continues with the statement after INVOKE.  If a reply is not received within your system’s default limit (typically 30 seconds), your program will Abend (terminate abnormally).

If REPLY is omitted then the program doesn’t wait for a reply, but continues with the statement following INVOKE.  Use this to invoke services that will continue asynchronously and won’t send a response.  If a response were sent, you won’t receive it even if your program has not terminated.

Web Services Discovery

All INVOKE statements require an interface definition, so the INVOKE statement will be preceded by COPY that causes a definition of the web service to be included in your program.  This is no problem if you are testing your own web services, but how do you handle web services created by others?   A web service might be developed by a developer working in another company: you probably don’t even know what language the service is written with, only it’s URL and whether it communicates with JSON or WSDL messages.   Fortunately, the URL and message type is often (but not always) sufficient for Jazz to discover the interface and create the COPY book for you.

Write INVOKE ?; and click [Check].   A dialog results that gives you a list of the services that you already know about, and you can choose which you want to invoke.  If a suitable Jazz definition of the interface is already available to your program, a COPY statement is inserted and the INVOKE ?; statement is replaced with something like



For new web services you enter the URL of the service’s description, and Jazz will attempt to find a description of the web service’s input and output messages, and create a suitable COPY book for you.  This process is described in Web Service Discovery.  You may choose to edit the definition to take advantage of the descriptive power of Jazz definitions: for example replacing a simple definition
to use your standard definition
CHAR(1) CT(M:Male,F:Female),

You might also choose to add ASSIGN properties to the definition to reduce the need for Assignment statements before and after the INVOKE statement.


This option is not yet available: this section is provided for discussion. The keyword might be FAILIF.

MANASYS Jazz programs usually terminate through their normal exit, but if they encounter an error from which they can’t recover, for example trying to read from a file that doesn’t exist, or add a decimal number that doesn’t have the correct packed-decimal format, then they “abend”, or terminate abnormally, and exit through their Abend Exit.

CALL and INVOKE statements may return to this program having executed “normally”, but the values returned in their output parameters may indicate an error that should force an abend.  For example, you’ve invoked a web service to perform an update but the parameters return indicate that the update failed.  If you wish this to immediately terminate your program and force it to abend, you can write

            ABENDIF (condition)

If the condition is true, then your program will abort with suitable messages.