The Jazz Report Designer

The Jazz Report Designer 1

Creating a New Report 1

Generating a New Report 1

Getting the WHERE condition. 1

Order: setting the control breaks. 1

Look-up files. 1

Generating the report 1

Jazz Program ó Report Layout 1

Report Editing. 1

Dropping Data. 1

Dropping on a Normal Line (not Detail) 1

Dragging data to the Detail Line. 1

Dropping Groups and Records. 1

Relocating Data. 1

Relocating Single Items. 1

Relocating Item Groups. 1

Managing multiple selection. 1

Deleting. 1

Deleting Filler 1

Deleting characters. 1

Deleting Items. 1

Deleting Lines. 1

Deleting Line Space. 1

Undo. 1

Item Properties. 1

Editing Text Fields. 1

Aligning Item Groups. 1

Line Tags (Control Characters) 1

Reports with Repeating (Table) Fields. 1

Table Cross-sections and Partial Extents. 1

Other Dimensions. 1

Jazz Report Programs. 1

The REPORT option. 1

DEFINE RepNbrs. 1

Other Definitions. 1

PROCESS statement and ROUTINE statements. 1

$R-xxx routines. 1

Special Rules: $R-Head. 1

Special Rules: $R-Head-xxx. 1

Data from Secondary Files. 1

Special rules: $R-End-xxx routines. 1

PLINE statements. 1

Reports and Jazz Logic. 1

Sums, Counts, and Averages. 1

Writing Summary Files. 1

Appendix – a Basic Example. 1

Creating Program Report1. 1

Report 1 – Editor View.. 1

Report 1 – Jazz Program.. 1

Report 1 – Sample Report 1

Program Report 1 – as COBOL. 1


With PRINT most basic data reporting can be simply accomplished with basic Jazz, but what if you want more?  How do you print averages for a region?  Or handle arrays (tables)?  The Jazz report designer allows you do graphically design a report as you would a screen, specifying logic executed on control break, and getting exactly the result that you want.  Think Crystal Reports™ but using your mainframe data.  This video shows you how it works.


Creating a New Report

To create a report, start the Jazz workbench and select dialog New/Logic/Report Designer: -


The Report Form allows you to set overall report characteristics such as the report files, title, line width, etc.  Click here for details of this form.

Generating a New Report

When [Finish] is clicked the Report Form must be turned into a report program.  Jazz needs some more information: for example we told Jazz that we want the data ordered, but we didn’t say what the sequence fields were.  It gets this extra information via queries as it goes from the form to a report program and layout.  Jazz resolves each query and then generates a Jazz report program and a report layout, and opens the Report Editor.


With the form as above, when we click [Finish]: -

Getting the WHERE condition

We’ve checked WHERE.  In this example we want to filter records by IN1.SalesYTD > 1000.  From the form Jazz only knows that the program logic is going to use a statement “PROCESS IN1” with a WHERE condition, so it starts with a statement like this: -

            PROCESS IN1 WHERE (IN1.? = ?) …

causing Jazz to invoke its query dialog.


Hint: drag the form’s right boundary to widen it if Mode [  ] obscures part of the Jazz statement


We expand the tree and select SalesYTD.  Click [Finish]


The query dialog now moves on to the next “?”.  Type 1000 and click [Finish] again.


This is NOT actually what we want: we now have a WHERE condition with “=”, where we want “>”.   We’ll have to edit the PROCESS statement later. 

Order: setting the control breaks

On reaching ORDER(In1.?) the query dialog appears again.  We expand In1 in the treeview and select the sequence fields.  With each sequence field we’re asked if we want the field in descending order, and whether this is to be a control break field. 

We select Region and District as Break fields, and Name as a sequence field without break.  The report sequence will be in ascending order Region, District within Region, and Name within (Region and District).

Look-up files

By putting FR into Lookup File 1 Jazz knows that at the start of the first control break we’ll want to GET something from FR, but what?   Jazz generates

            GET FR WHERE(FR.? = ?);

and the Select Data dialog appears twice.  We resolve FR.? by selecting FR.Region, and we resolve ? by selecting IN1.Region,

resulting in GET FR WHERE (FR.Region = IN1.Region);

Generating the report

When all queries are resolved Jazz generates a program, and then opens the Report editor.

Jazz Program ó Report Layout

At this stage Jazz has created a program, and then opened the report editor to show the report layout.  We can easily move between the two views.   From the Report Editor [Close] (or [Cancel]) takes us back to the normal Jazz workbench.  From the workbench [Report] will open the report editor, where we can drop further data on to the report, and drag data around to get exactly the appearance that we want.  There are some things that we can only do in the Workbench, such as changing the WHERE condition from

PROCESS In1 WHERE(IN1.SalesYTD = 1000)

            ORDER(IN1.Region BREAK,IN1.District BREAK) REPORT;



PROCESS In1 WHERE(IN1.SalesYTD > 1000)

            ORDER(IN1.Region BREAK,IN1.District BREAK) REPORT;



Conversely, while it is possible to edit the PLINE statements, it is usually better to use the Report Editor to add, delete, and move fields and lines.


There are some special features of the Jazz statements that are used within Report programs.  If you are planning to make more than minor changes to the Jazz logic you should read the section Jazz Report Programs later in this document so that you know what you can change and what you must not change. 

Report Editing

Here is the Report Editor displaying newly-generated report REPORTX.

Dropping Data

Expand the treeview to locate the data that we want. Click on the field that you want, and drag this to the position that we want on the report.  You can’t drop on a tag (for example, #$R-Detail, they start with #), on to a Jazz statement (like *GET FR WHERE (FR.Region = IN1.Region); nor on another item, but you can drop anywhere in the filler space (...) or +Add another line …

Dropping on a Normal Line (not Detail)

The $R-Head-Region is created like this


It contains logic to get a record from FR according to the relationship that we gave: -

GET FR WHERE (FR.Region = IN1.Region);

Also a print line that will print the Region number.   We can edit this line, for example dropping the FR.Name value that corresponds to IN1.Region.  Here we’ve expanded FR, and dragged Name to the position shown in the $R-Head-Region section.

Dragging data to the Detail Line

There are extra rules when data is dragged to the detail line.  Here I’ve dragged IN1.Name to the detail line, dropping it on to “Add Another Line”.  Because I’m dropping something into the detail section I may want to place a heading above it, and in other cases I may want to calculate subtotals.


I click [Close], and as well as the field Name being dropped on the line, another line with the field’s heading is placed in the PageHead routine.  The heading is arranged so that it is aligned with the data field in the detail section, and the control character is “D” giving you a visual clue that these two lines are related: -


SalesLastMonth and SalesYTD are numeric fields, so when I drop them on to the detail line I have the option of summing the field: -


With SalesThisMonth and SalesYTD added to the report with Sum checked the report layout is now: -


Note that these numeric fields have been added so that

1.            The heading, detail value, and total values are right-aligned

2.            Because SalesThisMonth is a quite a long heading the whole group is moved to the right.  There was a message about this.  We might have edited the heading when we were asked if we wanted it, but an easier solution is to drag the field further right – we’ll do that shortly.

3.            The totals fields have space for another four digits compared to the detail value.  This should be enough to avoid overflow.

Dropping Groups and Records

So far we’ve dropped individual fields.  We can also drag and drop a group or a complete record: -


These are treated as a series of individual drag and drops, i.e. dropping RDKey is equivalent to dropping Region and then District.  The second field is dropped on the same line.  The Space value in the Group Drop section above the layout: -

dictates the minimum number of spaces between items.


If a group or record is dropped on to the detail line then each field triggers the dialog asking whether you want a heading and totals.

Relocating Data

Relocating Single Items

Relocating a single item – either a field or text such as the report title – is easy.  Just drag the item to its new position and drop it.  You can move an item from one routine to another.  Of course it is your responsibility to ensure that the new position makes sense.  For example, you could drag FR.Name from its present position in the $R-Head-Region routine to the $R-Head routine, but then its value may be blank because at this stage your program hasn’t read the FR record.

Relocating Item Groups

When you click on one of the items resulting from a detail-line drop you’ll see that all of the related items are selected.  You don’t have to click the item in the detail line: the same result as below results from clicking the heading, the detail item, or any of the total fields: -


With a multiple selection like this the item group is moved together, preserving the alignment. The item group can only be moved sideways, it cannot be moved to a different line. 


A single item can be moved wherever there is space.  With multiple selections this must be true for all items of the group.  If you’ve grabbed the detail item it looks as if you can move this 4 spaces to the left, but the heading is hard up against “*----Name-----*” so it can’t be moved left.  Also, there’s only two characters on the right before the total fields run into SalesYTD’s total fields so that’s its maximum right drag.   When drag limits are exceeded you’ll get one or more messages like: -


Reply [Yes] and the drag continues with the reduced shift.  [No] and the drag&drop is abandoned.  There may be further messages: for example a shift of 8 is allowable for the heading and detail lines, but not for the total lines because this would run into the total fields of SalesYTD.  Jazz checks all the shifts before starting.  If a later message reduces the shift to 4 then this is what is used for all lines, preserving alignment.

Managing multiple selection

If you click another item in the report the existing selection is cleared.  However if you hold down the Alt key while you click the item then the newly-clicked item is added to the selection list.  If it is a member of an item group then the whole group is added.  For example, with the selection above, if you hold down Alt and click one of the SalesYTD fields both item groups are selected.  A drag will now drag both groups right or left, preserving their relative spacing.


If you click an item that is already selected while pressing Alt the selection toggles.  Thus if you want to move the heading SalesThisMonth without moving the detail or total fields you could click it (selecting all 5 items), then alt-click the other four items leaving only the title selected.  It can then be moved individually by alt-clicking it.  You need to use alt-click because a normal click will select the related items again.  If it was already selected (for example, you’ve done as above and unselected the other items) then it may appear to be unselected, but you’ll see the cursor change to the “Move” effect as you start the drag.


You can delete items with the Delete key, the Backspace key, or the Delete (trashcan) button.


You cannot delete tags (for example, #$R-Detail), nor +Add another line …    You can delete text characters, filler characters, and control characters, and you can delete selected items.  


When the cursor is positioned in filler, or within a text item, then deleting with the Delete or Backspace key deletes one character.  If the cursor is positioned within a field then the delete keys function in the same way as the delete button, deleting all selected items.


You have a choice about the way that following items are handled.  The default is “Fixed Mode”.  In this mode following items retain their position: Jazz inserts filler into the line to replace the deleted item.  With “Close up” mode the following items move left.  Alignment of these items with their heading, detail, and totals may be lost, and so you may have to restore this with further editing.  See Aligning Item Groups below.

Deleting Filler

If you click in filler and then press the Delete key or the Backspace key then a filler space is deleted, moving this item one space to the left.  Note that this may put related items out of alignment.  See Aligning Item Groups below to see how to restore alignment.

Deleting characters

If you click on a text field then you can delete individual characters with the Delete or Backspace keys. The Delete button will delete the whole text field, plus any other selected items.

Deleting Items

With one or more item(s) selected press the Delete key, or click the Delete (trashcan) button.  If several items are selected, then they’ll all be deleted.

Deleting Lines

Select the control character, and delete it.  This deletes the line.  Note that just as detail-line fields are linked to headings and totals, so are the control characters of “D” lines, and when you click on one “D” control character the control characters of related lines are also selected.  If you delete one of these lines all the related lines will also be deleted.  If this is not what you want you should de-select them with CtrlClick before deleting the line(s) that you want to delete.

Deleting Line Space

When lines are spaced you can reduce the spacing amount by clicking on the control character to select it, and then using the Delete or Backspace key to reduce the space by one.  Do not use the Delete button: this will delete the whole control character, meaning that the whole line is deleted.  Be careful that the line is not linked to others (see above).  See Line Spacing and New Pages for more information.  


Click the Undo button , or ctrl-Z, to undo the latest editing change.  This applies to any editing changes, not just deletion.


If you exit from the Report Editor with [Cancel] then none of the editing changes will be saved, in effect undoing all changes. Especially when you’re new to the Report Designer and you’ve made a mess, this is a useful way of starting again from your last save point.

Item Properties

We can right-click an item on the report and a form appears describing the item.  Here we’ve clicked on the Region Name field that we dropped on to the line in the $R-Head-Region section.  The form shows that this item is a field displayed with picture (format) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, the source field is FR.Name, and it is placed on line 9, column 15.  This is only information – we can’t change any of this here – but in other cases this form offers opportunities to edit the report.

Editing Text Fields

We can type text anywhere on the edit form where we’d be allowed to drop a field, and we can also over-type existing text (but not fields).  Also, if we right-click a text field we can edit it from the properties form: -

Here we can simply edit the report title on line 2.

Aligning Item Groups

When we right-click one of a group of related items then the properties form shows extra information about the group, and offers alignment options: -

By clicking one of the alignment buttons the heading text, detail field, and total fields are left-aligned, centred, or right-aligned.  The item clicked – in this case the heading – is not moved, it is the other items that are moved right or left to achieve the alignment result.  There may be messages if an item can’t be moved enough.

Line Tags (Control Characters)

You may have noticed that the first character of every line is not printed, but seems to be a code that has some kind of meaning.  There are two special lines that start and end a section: -

·         Sections start with “#”, e.g. “#R-Page-Head”.   This will become the routine name.  You cannot type or drop data on to this line.

·         Sections end with “+Add another line …”.  You can type or drop on this line, causing a new line to be created above this line.


Other lines have a variety of codes.  You can right-click the code and in some cases edit it.

Line Spacing and New Pages

The first line in #R-Page-Head starts with “P”.  This indicates that this line is the first of a new page, and if you right-click this control character you see: -


Other report lines in the example start with blank or “D”.  “D” is a visual clue that this line is related to a detail line – you see “D” on the item headings, the detail line itself, and the total lines.  There may be several such lines.


Right-click the control character and you’ll see (for example): -



The Space value must be 1 or greater.  By increasing the Space value here you’ll cause the line to be printed with one or more preceding blank lines.  You can also increase spacing simply by clicking at the extreme left of a print line and then pressing Enter.   If Space is greater than 1 the report editor will display these space lines: -

Right-click on the left of this line and you’ll see: -

Summary-only Lines: Printing Totals Without Printing Detail Lines

Suppose that you want to print a report with subtotals and totals, but you don’t actually want the detail line: for example you might want a report summarising a file.  As with the PRINT statement, you want your PLINE statement to include the SUMMARY option, meaning that it can control SUM calculations, but is not actually printed.  To achieve this you can either write SUMMARY into the PLINE statement, or you can have the report editor create this option for you: -


Right-click on the control character of a detail line to display the properties of the control character.  Because it is a detail line there is now a checkbox labelled “Summary”: -


Check this and the control character changes to “S”.  When you [Close] the editor the PLINE statement will include SUMMARY, and extra editing rules will be checked: the line should not contain non-numeric fields, and every numeric field should include SUM.   These rules will also be checked as new items are dragged to the line in the editing session.

Jazz Statements

“*” indicates a Jazz line, for example


These lines are not editable in the report editor, they are displayed as comments only.

Reports with Repeating (Table) Fields

Handling dimensioned fields with PRINT statements can be quite tricky.  For example, with a record layout like this: -


    RDKey GROUP,

        Region DECIMAL(3),

        District DECIMAL(3),

        END GROUP,

    Name CHAR(15),

    Sales(2) GROUP,

        Month SMALLINT,

        SalesThisMonth DECIMAL(7,2),

        NbrSales SMALLINT,

        End GROUP,

    SalesYTD DECIMAL(7,2),

you cannot write (*) references to the repeating fields in a PRINT statement.  This PRINT statement is invalid

        PRINT (INDim.Region,INDim.District,INDim.Name,

            INDim.Month(*),INDim.SalesThisMonth(*),INDim.NbrSales(*)) ;

Instead you have to provide subscripts, probably enclosing the PRINT within a loop like this: -

    FOR INDim.Sales(IX1);

        PRINT (INDim.Region,INDim.District,INDim.Name,

            INDim.Month(JZ.IX1),INDim.SalesThisMonth(JZ.IX1),INDim.NbrSales(JZ.IX1)) ;

    END FOR;

It gets even more complicated if you don’t want non-subscripted fields like INDim.Region to be printed on every line.


(Note the use of the TABLE form of the FOR statement.  Click here to learn more.) 


With edited reports and PLINE the logic is managed for you.  When you drag a dimensioned group or field such as INDim.Sales or INDim.Month to a print line then the dialog will ask you to supply a subscript.  If you give a number or a field name (of a numeric field, preferably SMALLINT) then the reference to INDim.Sales(3) is handled like a normal reference.  However if you specify *, for example INDim.Sales(*), meaning “All”, then the dialog will change the * to an index variable IX1 (or IX2, IX3, etc for multi-dimensioned tables) and look for a surrounding loop.   If it can’t find such a loop, it will enclose the print line in FOR/END FOR statements.  When expressed as PLINE statements in the Jazz Workbench this will appear as: -

    FOR INDim.sales(IX1);

        PLINE ('L' INDEX(1),INDim.Region INDEX(2) COL(8),INDim.District INDEX(3) COL(16),INDim.Name INDEX(4) COL(25),

            INDim.Month(JZ.IX1) INDEX(5) COL(45),INDim.SalesThisMonth(JZ.IX1) INDEX(6) SUM COL(52),

            INDim.NbrSales(JZ.IX1) INDEX(7) SUM COL(69));

    END FOR;

In this case the FOR is equivalent to

    FOR JZ.IX1 = 1 TO 2;

causing two lines of printing for each record: -

Printed 07 Sep 2017, 19:44:35      in1d Report Title     Page     4

        Region  District     *----Name-----*         *-Sales--*

             3         7     COURTENAY,John              206.02


             3         7     GIBBS,Ann                   206.02


An advantage of the form FOR INDim.Sales(IX1) is that the array bounds will automatically change should the definition of INDim be changed and the program re-generated.


If INDim.Sales had had 2 dimensions then the FOR statement would have been

    FOR INDim.Sales(IX1, IX2);

and so on up to the maximum of 7 dimensions.


There may be a variable number of lines, for example if INDim.Sales had been defined with variable occurrences: -


    NbrSales SMALLINT,

    Sales(12(NbrSales)) GROUP,

        Month TINYINT,

        SalesThisMonth DECIMAL(7,2),   

        End GROUP,


Because several lines can be produced from a line within a loop, other fields (such as INDim.District) are printed on the first line but are not reprinted unless page overflow causes a new page. 

Table Cross-sections and Partial Extents.

Default logic manages the entire table, but we might want to print a cross-section – part of the array varying one dimension but holding another dimension constant – or print only part of the table: for example only Table(1) to Table(6), not 1 to 12.  For these situations we’ll need to modify the default logic.  For example, here IN1D2.Sales is defined Sales(3,7) DECIMAL(7,2), so with logic

ROUTINE $R-Detail;

*  Every Record   

    FOR IN1D2.Sales(JZ.IX1,JZ.IX2);

        PLINE ('D' INDEX(1),IN1D2.District INDEX(2) SUM COL(11),IN1D2.Name INDEX(3) COL(19),IN1D2.Sales(JZ.IX1,JZ.IX2) INDEX(4) SUM COL(40));

    END FOR;


each input record produces 21 lines of printing: -

Printed 07 Sep 2017, 20:04:47                          in1d2 Report Title                                                 Page     1

      District    *----Name-----*      *-Sales--*

Region    1    New Zealand                      

             1    BLEE,ElliottLin           78.00





















             1    HANNAH,Honour            241.00




It would be better if we printed IN1D2.Sales(1,JZ.IX2), IN1D2.Sales(2,JZ.IX2), and IN1D2.Sales(3,JZ.IX2) side by side, like this: -

      District    *----Name-----*      *Sales(1)*       *Sales(2)*         *Sales(3)*

Region    1    New Zealand                                                           

             1    BLEE,ElliottLin           78.00            85.00              92.00

                                            79.00            86.00              93.00

                                            80.00            87.00              94.00

                                            81.00            88.00              95.00

                                            82.00            89.00              96.00

                                            83.00            90.00              97.00

                                            84.00            91.00              98.00

             1    HANNAH,Honour            241.00           248.00             255.00

                                           242.00           249.00             256.00

                                           243.00           250.00             257.00

                                           244.00           251.00             258.00

                                           245.00           252.00             259.00

                                           246.00           253.00             260.00

                                           247.00           254.00             261.00

To achieve this we

·         Change the FOR statement to FOR IN1D2.Sales(NULL,JZ.IX2) TESTNEW; so that only the 2nd dimension is processed.

·         Change the PLINE reference to IN1D2.Sales(JZ.IX1,JZ.IX2) to IN1D2.Sales(1,JZ.IX2).  

If we were to print the report now it would look like this: -

      District    *----Name-----*      *-Sales--*

Region    1    New Zealand                      

             1    BLEE,ElliottLin           78.00







             1    HANNAH,Honour            241.00


·         Drag Sales to the report twice more, each time changing the subscript to a number (2 or 3), and checking Sum: -

·         Change the report’s column headings from *-Sales--* to *Sales(1)* etc.  The report will now look like this.

      District    *----Name-----*      *Sales(1)*           *Sales(2)*               *Sales(3)*

Region    1    New Zealand                                                                      

             1    BLEE,ElliottLin           78.00                85.00                    92.00

                                            79.00                86.00                    93.00

                                            80.00                87.00                    94.00

                                            81.00                88.00                    95.00

                                            82.00                89.00                    96.00

                                            83.00                90.00                    97.00

                                            84.00                91.00                    98.00

             1    HANNAH,Honour            241.00               248.00                   255.00

                                           242.00               249.00                   256.00

Region    1 Subtotal                                                                           

            83                          19,432.00            20,167.00                20,902.00

Other Dimensions

A line may be within a single FOR loop, or a nested series of loops, but items on one line cannot be controlled by different loops.  Suppose that the input source has data like this: -


    RDKey GROUP,

        Region DECIMAL(3),

        District DECIMAL(3),

        END GROUP,

    Name CHAR(15),

    Sales(12) GROUP,

        Month TINYINT, [LIKE types.month,'

        SalesThisMonth DECIMAL(7,2),

        NbrSales SMALLINT,  

        End GROUP,

    SalesYTD DECIMAL(7,2),

    RegionSales(5) GROUP,

        SalesByRegion DECIMAL(7,2),

        end GROUP,

Having dragged data from INDim2.Sales to the line, what would it mean to drag INDim2.SalesByRegion to the line?  The PLINE is already within a loop, effectively FOR JZ.IX1 = 1 TO 12; so it can’t be within an alternative loop.  But this code would be invalid: there are only 5 occurrences of INDim.SalesByRegion so references to INDim.SalesByRegion(6) and up will cause errors.

    FOR INDim.sales(IX1);

        PLINE (…., INDim.NbrSales(JZ.IX1) , INDim.SalesByRegion(JZ.IX1) …);

    END FOR;

The problem can be solved like this.   First put the PLINE within an IF condition: -

    FOR INDim.sales(IX1);

        IF IX1 < 6;

            PLINE (…., INDim.NbrSales(JZ.IX1) , INDim.SalesByRegion(JZ.IX1) …);

        END IF

    END FOR;

Now add ELSE, and duplicate the PLINE statement but without INDim.SalesByRegion.

    FOR INDim.sales(IX1);

        IF IX1 < 6;

            PLINE (…., INDim.NbrSales(JZ.IX1) , INDim.SalesByRegion(JZ.IX1) …);


            PLINE (…., INDim.NbrSales(JZ.IX1) );

        END IF

    END FOR;

Jazz Report Programs

In this section we discuss the special features of the Jazz language designed to support Report programs, using Jazz program Report1 as our example.  The first appendix Creating Program Report1 describes how this program is created, and Report 1 – Editor View shows the view when you click [Report] that you use to place data on the report. Report 1 – Jazz Program shows the final MANASYS Jazz program with the control logic and with the report layout defined by the PLINE statements that resulted from your Editor View editing.  Finally  Report 1 – Sample Report shows you the report that this program produces from some test data.   You may edit the Jazz program, either directly in the Jazz workbench or in the report designer, but you cannot change the structure of the report – particularly the number and order of control breaks


This section highlights parts of the Jazz program, so that you can understand how it works.

The REPORT option

A Report program has this structure: -

1.    It starts with a PROGRAM statement with a REPORT option.  For example: -

PROGRAM Report1 REPORT(132) PAGE(60);

2.    From the PROGRAM to the PROCESS statements there are probably only COPY and DEFINE statements. It is recommended that initialization logic be written into the $R-Head routine, rather than before the PROCESS statement.

3.    The PROCESS statement also has a REPORT option.  The next statement will be END PROCESS, there will be no statements within the Process block.



4.    Following END PROCESS are a number of $R-xxx routines.  These will be invoked at appropriate times as data is read from the input.


It is important that you understand this structure and when the routines are invoked so that you don’t refer to data when it is not correctly set. This is discussed more below.


This is a SYSTEM definition, meaning that there is nothing generated into the COBOL program from this but the definitions are available to Jazz as the program is analysed and COBOL generated.  Values such as RepNbrs.Width control the size of generated print lines.  Don’t change this definition.

Other Definitions

Program Report1 includes




These are standard Jazz COPY statements, and are needed to defined data used in other statements.  JZSMth was generated automatically into $R-PageHead.  I moved it here for neatness.


You can of course add your own definitions, as either COPY or DEFINE statements, to support logic within your report routines.

PROCESS statement and ROUTINE statements



REPORT and ORDER combine to create a program structure where the PROCESS statement generates a loop that will invoke the appropriate routines.  As records from the input are read data are tested for control breaks (in this example IN1.Region and IN1.District) and:

            If there is a control break change then

If not first time, the $R-End-name routines are performed.

            $R-End-name routines will perform $R-Sums-Rollup

                        Then the $R-Head routine(s) are performed

            Then $R-Detail handles the current record

$R-PageHead is performed at the start of every page

$R-PageFoot is performed at the end of every page


Since all the logic is generated into the routines, there is no need for logic between PROCESS and END PROCESS.


If you modify the PROCESS statement you should be very careful.  There is no problem adding further options such as WHERE or COUNT, but you may not change the structure of the report.  Thus you cannot add or remove control breaks, nor change their order.  However you can add or remove DESC options to reverse data sequence.  If in doubt, create a new report.


You shouldn’t write logic within the PROCESS loop, for example



    W.N += 1;


The assignment is executed AFTER the input record has been processed by the routines.  This statement should have been written within the $R-Detail routine.


It is recommended that you write first-time initialization logic within the $RHead routine instead of before the PROCESS statement.

$R-xxx routines

A REPORT program will have a series of routines as shown above.  You can write any logic you like within the generated ROUTINE statements, and you can write your own ROUTINE statements and PERFORM them as you would normally.  You should avoid using names starting with “$” for your own routines. 

Special Rules: $R-Head

Routine $R-Head is executed before ANY data has been read from IN1, or any of the secondary files like FR, so you should not refer to any file data unless your $R-Head routine first reads it with its own GET statement.

Special Rules: $R-Head-xxx

For a report with control breaks there will be sections for the start of each control break.  Thus, in our example there are

ROUTINE $R-Head-Region;


ROUTINE $R-Head-District;

These are where you place logic for the start of the control section, such as reading lookup files, and printing section headings. 

Data from Secondary Files

Report1 uses this PROCESS statement



When a record is read for a new Region then routine $R-Head-Region is executed before the detail record is processed.   The detail record is then processed.   Within the set of records for a Region, similar logic applies to District.  To understand what data is available in the Head and End routines, it helps to imagine that the execution sequence is the top-to-bottom order of the routines as displayed on the Report Designer.   For example, $R-Head-Region has logic: -

ROUTINE $R-Head-Region;

*  Start of control break: Region

    GET FR WHERE (FR.Region = IN1.Region);

    PLINE (' ','Region ',IN1.Region,FR.Name COL(16));

END ROUTINE $R-Head-Region;


You can refer to data like FR.Name from FR within $R-HEAD-Region and any of the following routines to (and including) $R-END-Region, i.e. $HEAD-District, $R-Detail, $R-END-District and $R-END-Region. FR values may also be appropriate with PageHead and PageFoot routines, although it’s not clear whether values here would refer to the previous or the current Region value. FR values will be inappropriate in $R-HEAD, as they will refer to a control break that hasn’t started yet, and so FR will not have been read yet.  


Similarly, if there were a similar FRD file giving district names, we’d write this within the $R-Head-District routine

    GET FRD WHERE (FRD.Region = IN1.Region & FRD.District = IN1.district);

We should not refer to FRD.DistrictName in either $R-HEAD-Region or $RHead.

Special rules: $R-End-xxx routines

Routines like $R-End-Region are invoked at the end of a control break.  At this stage you should not refer to the input record: if an IN1 record exists it will be the first record of the next control break section.  There mightn’t even be such a record, as these routines (and $R-End) are invoked on endfile also.



ROUTINE $R-End-Region;

*  End of control break: Region

    PLINE (' ','Region ',Break.Region,' Subtotal');

    PLINE ('D' INDEX(1),Sums.SalesThisMonth(2) INDEX(5) COL(43),Sums.SalesYTD(2) INDEX(6));

END ROUTINE $R-End-Region;

does NOT refer to IN1.Region as this would be an irrelevant value.  Within the $R-End routines you should refer to Break or Sums fields, other working data of your own or look-up files, but not data from the primary file.  It would be valid to refer to data from a look-up file such as FR, because at this stage $R-Head-Region has not been executed.


Break fields refer to the control break values relevant to the current control break section, they are set before the $R-Head-xxx routine is executed, and remain valid to the end of the $R-End-xxx routine.  Sums fields hold the accumulators for summed fields, and for the record count if you use PROCESSINDEX variable BREAK, as we have here.  If you expand these definitions in the report designer, for Report1 you’ll see this: -

Values are accumulated into Sums.SalesThisMonth(1) and Sums.SalesYTD(1), and INDEX Sums.ix BREAK causes the record count to be accumulated in Sums.ix(1).  $R-End-District is executed when District changes: -

ROUTINE $R-End-District;

*  End of control break: District

    Break.Sub = 1;

    PLINE ('D' INDEX(1),'District ',Break.District,' Subtotal',Sums.SalesThisMonth(1) INDEX(3) COL(50),Sums.SalesYTD(1) INDEX(4) COL(71));

END ROUTINE $R-End-District;

Note that it prints the values.  END ROUTINE $R-End-District; executes $R-Sums-Rollup, causing xxx(1) values to be added to xxx(2) and cleared.

PLINE statements

Within the $R-xxx routines PLINE statements are used to print data.  Each PLINE will print a single line: unlike a PRINT statement, headings and totals are not implied from a PRINT statement, but are handled through the report editing process which creates semi-independent PLINE statements in the appropriate sections. 


PLINE statements are designed to hold the results of report editing.  Whenever you click [Report], make changes to the report, and then [Close] to return to the Jazz workbench, all the PLINE statements are re-created from the report layout.  It is possible to edit the PLINE statements within the workbench – it is a normal Jazz statement – but it is usually better to use the report editor.

Reports and Jazz Logic

You can write any logic you like within a $R-xxx routine, provided that you understand when the routine is invoked, and what data is available to it.  Thus, you can perform calculations, CALL subroutines, PERFORM routines, do FOR loops, and GET and PROCESS files.  Since a ROUTINE statement cannot be enclosed in any other logic, FOR and PROCESS loops must be closed by their corresponding END before the END routine statement.   The following notes suggest how you’d handle some common situations.

Sums, Counts, and Averages

In Report1 fields IN1.SalesThisMonth and IN1.SalesYTD are summed: when we placed these fields on the detail line we checked “sum”: -

This added the SUM option into the PLINE statement: -

PLINE (,IN1.SalesThisMonth INDEX(3) SUM COL(55),IN1.SalesYTD INDEX(4) SUM COL(76));


To calculate an average, we need to count records.  We can add a COUNT option to the PROCESS statement.  Where there are no control breaks, COUNT may name any SMALLINT or INTEGER field: -



With control breaks, Jazz can maintain counts by control break.  First we add a COUNT option like this: -

            PROCESS IN1 ORDER(IN1.Region BREAK,IN1.District BREAK,IN1.Name) REPORT Count ix Break;

Click [Check] and MANASYS colours the keywords, and recognizes that ix needs to be within the Sums record.  The statement becomes

            PROCESS IN1 ORDER(IN1.Region BREAK,IN1.District BREAK,IN1.Name) REPORT COUNT Sums.ix BREAK;

The accumulated sums, plus the count required by the INDEX option, are not single values but are arrays, with values for the current control level, for completed districts, and for completed regions. As discussed in Special rules: $R-End-xxx routines, we can specify (1) to refer to the value so far for this control section, (2) for the completed districts in this region, and (3) for the completed regions so far.


Calculating averages is easy if the PROCESS statement includes an option like COUNT Sums.ix BREAK to give us the record count for each break section: -

1.    Define fields for the calculated averages: add this into Report1: -


Define Averages data(

SalesThisMonth like In1.SalesThisMonth,

SalesYTD like In1.SalesYTD);



    SalesThisMonth LIKE IN1.SalesThisMonth,

    SalesYTD LIKE IN1.SalesYTD);

2.    Calculate the averages in the $R-End routines.  In $R-End-Detail, write

    Averages.SalesThisMonth = Sums.SalesThisMonth(1) / sums.ix(1);

    Averages.SalesYTD = sums.salesYTD(1)/Sums.ix(1);

Write the same logic in $R-End-Region with subscript (2), and in $R-End with subscript (3).

3.    Click [Report] and add a line to display the count, plus these averages, on change of Detail: -


4.    When Sums.ix was dropped on to the line, the subscript wasn’t added: -

ROUTINE $R-End-District;

    Averages.SalesYTD = sums.salesYTD(1)/Sums.ix(1);

    PLINE (' ','Count' COL(4),Sums.ix(1) COL(11),'Averages' COL(27),Averages.SalesThisMonth COL(55),Averages.SalesYTD COL(76));

    #049 S Subscript(s) expected for Sums.ix

    #530 S ix has too few subscripts

END ROUTINE $R-End-District;

Close the report designer and correct this error by adding (1), as shown above.

5.    Copy this PLINE statement into routine $R-End-Region and $R-END, with subscripts 2 and 3 respectively.  Here’s a case where it’s easier to create lines by editing the program than using the report designer.

Writing Summary Files

A report program offers an easy way of writing a summary file.  For example, suppose we wanted to write summary records containing the count, total, and average values of SalesYTD data in each district, all we’d have to do is: -

1.    Define a suitable record format.


    Region DECIMAL(3),

    District DECIMAL(3),

    Count SMALLINT,

    SumSalesYTD MONEY(10,2),

    AvgSalesYTD MONEY (7,2))


2.    Write logic in the $R-End-District routine to assign data to this record, and write it out

    COPY RDSmry;

    RDSmry.Region = Break.region;

    RDSmry.District = Break.district;

    RDSmry.Count = sums.ix(1);

    RDSmry.SumSalesYTD = Sums.salesYTD(1);

    RDSmry.AvgSalesYTD = Averages.SalesYTD;

    WRITE RDSmry;

    #378 W Batch WRITE used - you may need to edit the JCL

You’d probably write COPY RDSmry; earlier in the Report program, and your program probably includes more data (such as the Region and District names, and other fields).

Appendix – a Basic Example

Creating Program Report1

Report Program Report1 was created starting with the New/Logic/Report Designer dialog: -

Clicking [Finish] invoked a dialog, first to resolve ORDER ? and then the key relationship for FR.

ORDER was resolved as above – see Order: setting the control breaks – and FR as in Look-up files.


This created the basic program structure.  Clicking [Report] then showed the Editor View, and fields were placed on the report.

Report 1 – Editor View

Report 1 – Jazz Program

Clicking close saved the report layout as a series of PLINE statements within the report’s routines.  This was then edited to add logic to count records and calculate averages, first by adding the text as shown with this highlighting.


[Report] as clicked and the 2nd print line within ROUTINE $R-End-District defined in the report designer. Closing the Report Designer and returning to the Jazz program, text was added as shown with this highlighting.  A subscript was added to the Sums.ix reference, and calculations and the PLINE statement were copied into ROUTINE $R-End-Region and ROUTINE $R-End, with appropriate subscript values.  This was a case where it was easier to copy/paste the PLINE statement than to use the Report Designer, as this is a very simple way of ensuring that the data are correctly aligned.   Here is the program after all editing: -


*# Last Updated by JAZZUSR at 28/02/2021 4:24:40 PM

PROGRAM Report1 REPORT(132) PAGE(60);




    Title CHAR(16) VALUE 'IN1 Report Title' CONSTANT);





    SalesThisMonth LIKE IN1.SalesThisMonth,

    SalesYTD LIKE IN1.SalesYTD);



ROUTINE $R-PageHead;

*  Top of every page

    PLINE ('P','Printed ',JAZZ.$Today,'IN1 Report Title' COL(57),'Page ' COL(123),JAZZ.$PageNbr) PAGE;

    PLINE ('D' INDEX(1),'*-----------------Name-----------------*' INDEX(2) COL(9),'SalesThisMonth' INDEX(3) COL(53),'*-SalesYTD-*' INDEX(4) COL(76));



*  Before first record has been read


ROUTINE $R-Head-Region;

*  Start of control break: Region

    GET FR WHERE (FR.Region = IN1.Region);

    PLINE (' ','Region ',IN1.Region,FR.Name COL(16));

END ROUTINE $R-Head-Region;

ROUTINE $R-Head-District;

*  Start of control break: District

    PLINE (' ','District ',IN1.District);

END ROUTINE $R-Head-District;

ROUTINE $R-Detail;

*  Every Record

    PLINE ('D' INDEX(1),IN1.Name INDEX(2) COL(9),IN1.SalesThisMonth INDEX(3) SUM COL(55),IN1.SalesYTD INDEX(4) SUM COL(76));


ROUTINE $R-End-District;

*  End of control break: District

    Break.Sub = 1;

    PLINE ('D' INDEX(1),'District ',Break.District,' Subtotal',Sums.SalesThisMonth(1) INDEX(3) COL(50),Sums.SalesYTD(1) INDEX(4) COL(71));

    Averages.SalesThisMonth = Sums.SalesThisMonth(1) / sums.ix(1);

    Averages.SalesYTD = sums.salesYTD(1)/Sums.ix(1);

    PLINE (' ','Count' COL(4),Sums.ix(1) COL(11),'Average' COL(44),Averages.SalesThisMonth COL(55),Averages.SalesYTD COL(76));

END ROUTINE $R-End-District;

ROUTINE $R-End-Region;

*  End of control break: Region

    Break.Sub = 2;

    PLINE ('D' INDEX(1),'Region ',Break.Region,' Subtotal',Sums.SalesThisMonth(2) INDEX(3) COL(50),Sums.SalesYTD(2) INDEX(4) COL(71));

    Averages.SalesThisMonth = Sums.SalesThisMonth(2) / sums.ix(2);

    Averages.SalesYTD = sums.salesYTD(2)/Sums.ix(2);

    PLINE (' ','Count' COL(4),Sums.ix(2) COL(11),'Average' COL(44),Averages.SalesThisMonth COL(55),Averages.SalesYTD COL(76));

END ROUTINE $R-End-Region;


*  End of Records

    PLINE (' ','Grand Total');

    PLINE ('D' INDEX(1),Sums.SalesThisMonth(3) INDEX(3) COL(50),Sums.SalesYTD(3) INDEX(4) COL(71));

    Averages.SalesThisMonth = Sums.SalesThisMonth(3) / sums.ix(3);

    Averages.SalesYTD = sums.salesYTD(3)/Sums.ix(3);

    PLINE (' ','Count' COL(4),Sums.ix(3) COL(11),'Average' COL(44),Averages.SalesThisMonth COL(55),Averages.SalesYTD COL(76));


ROUTINE $R-PageFoot;

*  Page Footer

    PLINE (' ','Printed ',JAZZ.$Today,'IN1 Report Title' COL(57),'Page ' COL(123),JAZZ.$PageNbr) SPACE(2);


ROUTINE $R-Sums-Rollup;

*  Roll up counts and subtotals

END ROUTINE $R-Sums-Rollup;

Report 1 – Sample Report

1Printed 01 Mar 2021, 11:32:18                           IN1 Report Title                                                  Page     1

         *-----------------Name-----------------*    SalesThisMonth         *-SalesYTD-*                                             

 Region    1    New Zealand                                                                                                           

 District    1                                                                                                                       

         REEDE, Phillip                                   $468.55            $4,685.50                                                

 District    1 Subtotal                                   $468.55            $4,685.50                                               

    Count        1                          Average       $468.55            $4,685.50                                               

 District    3                                                                                                                       

         CAMPBELL, Dennis                               $5,662.44           $56,624.40                                               

         CORLETT, Norton Hesse                          $9,197.76           $10,373.12                                               

         ROBERTS, Adelaide                              $4,138.56           $37,247.04                                               

         ROBERTS, Margaret Annie                        $8,138.51           $73,246.59                                               

         WILLIAMSON, Catherine                          $5,554.20           $33,325.20                                               

 District    3 Subtotal                                $32,691.47          $210,816.35                                               

    Count        5                          Average     $6,538.29           $42,163.27                                               

 District    7                                                                                                                       

         POLAND, Lorna Aroha                            $7,103.77           $71,037.70                                               

 District    7 Subtotal                                 $7,103.77           $71,037.70                                                

    Count        1                          Average     $7,103.77           $71,037.70                                               

 Region    1 Subtotal                                  $83,215.58          $497,852.63                                                

    Count       15                          Average     $5,547.70           $33,190.17                                               

 Region    2    Australia                                                                                                             

1Printed 01 Mar 2021, 11:32:18                           IN1 Report Title                                                  Page    10

         *-----------------Name-----------------*    SalesThisMonth         *-SalesYTD-*                                             

 District    7                                                                                                                       

         GLANVILLE, Ann                                 $6,157.62           $73,891.44                                               

         GOULD, John                                    $3,496.42           $31,467.78                                               

         WILLIAMS, Claude William                       $5,380.12           $21,520.48                                               

         WILLIAMSON, Norman Herbert James                  $52.97              $423.76                                               

 District    7 Subtotal                                $15,087.13          $127,303.46                                               

    Count        4                          Average     $3,771.78           $31,825.86                                               

 Region   10 Subtotal                                 $100,533.67          $688,678.96                                               

    Count       21                          Average     $4,787.31           $32,794.23                                               

 Grand Total                                                                                                                          

                                                    $1,550,347.73       $10,140,367.60                                                

    Count      300                          Average     $5,167.82           $33,801.22                                               

Program Report 1 – as COBOL

With MANASYS configured for z/OS a job will be submitted that will compile and run the report so you don’t even need to see this.  When configured for Micro Focus the COBOL is written into the cbl folder of the COBOL project, and a few clicks will compile and execute the program.  In both cases, the COBOL compiles first time.

000010*    C:\tutorials\TSTSQL\cbl\Report1.CBL                         

000020 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.                                         Report1

000030 PROGRAM-ID.    Report1.                                          Report1

000040 AUTHOR.        JAZZUSR (Using Jazz from Visual Studio)           Report1

000050 DATE-WRITTEN.  1/03/2021 11:31:16 AM                             Report1

000060 ENVIRONMENT DIVISION.                                            Report1

000070*# Last Updated by JAZZUSR at 1/03/2021 11:31:16 AM               Report1

000080*PROGRAM Report1 REPORT(132) PAGE(60);                            Report1

000090*DEFINE RepNbrs SYSTEM DATA(                                      Report1

000100*    Width SMALLINT VALUE 132 CONSTANT,                           Report1

000110*    Page SMALLINT VALUE 60 CONSTANT,                             Report1

000120*    Title CHAR(16) VALUE 'IN1 Report Title' CONSTANT);           Report1

000130*COPY IN1;                                                        Report1

000140*COPY FR;                                                         Report1

000150*COPY JZSMth;                                                     Report1

000160*DEFINE Averages DATA(                                            Report1

000170*    SalesThisMonth LIKE IN1.SalesThisMonth,                      Report1

000180*    SalesYTD LIKE IN1.SalesYTD);                                 Report1

000190*PROCESS IN1 ORDER(IN1.Region BREAK,IN1.District BREAK,IN1.Name)  Report1

000200*    REPORT COUNT Sums.ix BREAK;                                  Report1

000210*END PROCESS IN1;                                                 Report1

000220*ROUTINE $R-PageHead;                                             Report1

000230**  Top of every page                                             Report1

000240*    PLINE ('P','Printed ',JAZZ.$Today,'IN1 Report Title' COL(57),Report1

000250*        'Page ' COL(123),JAZZ.$PageNbr) PAGE;                    Report1

000260*    PLINE ('D' INDEX(1),                                         Report1

000270*        '*-----------------Name-----------------*' INDEX(2)      Report1

000280*        COL(9),'SalesThisMonth' INDEX(3) COL(53),'*-SalesYTD-*'  Report1

000290*        INDEX(4) COL(76));                                       Report1

000300*END ROUTINE $R-PageHead;                                         Report1

000310*ROUTINE $R-Head;                                                 Report1

000320**  Before first record has been read                             Report1

000330*END ROUTINE $R-Head;                                             Report1

000340*ROUTINE $R-Head-Region;                                          Report1

000350**  Start of control break: Region                                Report1

000360*    GET FR WHERE (FR.Region = IN1.Region);                       Report1

000370*    PLINE (' ','Region ',IN1.Region,FR.Name COL(16));            Report1

000380*END ROUTINE $R-Head-Region;                                      Report1

000390*ROUTINE $R-Head-District;                                        Report1

000400**  Start of control break: District                              Report1

000410*    PLINE (' ','District ',IN1.District);                        Report1

000420*END ROUTINE $R-Head-District;                                    Report1

000430*ROUTINE $R-Detail;                                               Report1

000440**  Every Record                                                  Report1

000450*    PLINE ('D' INDEX(1),IN1.Name INDEX(2) COL(9),                Report1

000460*        IN1.SalesThisMonth INDEX(3) SUM COL(55),IN1.SalesYTD     Report1

000470*        INDEX(4) SUM COL(76));                                   Report1

000480*END ROUTINE $R-Detail;                                           Report1

000490*ROUTINE $R-End-District;                                         Report1

000500**  End of control break: District                                Report1

000510*    Break.Sub = 1;                                               Report1

000520*    PLINE ('D' INDEX(1),'District ',Break.District,' Subtotal',  Report1

000530*        Sums.SalesThisMonth(1) INDEX(3) COL(50),Sums.SalesYTD(1) Report1

000540*        INDEX(4) COL(71));                                       Report1

000550*    Averages.SalesThisMonth = Sums.SalesThisMonth(1) /           Report1

000560*        sums.ix(1);                                              Report1

000570*    Averages.SalesYTD = sums.salesYTD(1)/Sums.ix(1);             Report1

000580*    PLINE (' ','Count' COL(4),Sums.ix(1) COL(11),'Average'       Report1

000590*        COL(44),Averages.SalesThisMonth COL(55),                 Report1

000600*        Averages.SalesYTD COL(76));                              Report1

000610*END ROUTINE $R-End-District;                                     Report1

000620*ROUTINE $R-End-Region;                                           Report1

000630**  End of control break: Region                                  Report1

000640*    Break.Sub = 2;                                               Report1

000650*    PLINE ('D' INDEX(1),'Region ',Break.Region,' Subtotal',      Report1

000660*        Sums.SalesThisMonth(2) INDEX(3) COL(50),Sums.SalesYTD(2) Report1

000670*        INDEX(4) COL(71));                                       Report1

000680*    Averages.SalesThisMonth = Sums.SalesThisMonth(2) /           Report1

000690*        sums.ix(2);                                              Report1

000700*    Averages.SalesYTD = sums.salesYTD(2)/Sums.ix(2);             Report1

000710*    PLINE (' ','Count' COL(4),Sums.ix(2) COL(11),'Average'       Report1

000720*        COL(44),Averages.SalesThisMonth COL(55),                 Report1

000730*        Averages.SalesYTD COL(76));                              Report1

000740*END ROUTINE $R-End-Region;                                       Report1

000750*ROUTINE $R-End;                                                  Report1

000760**  End of Records                                                Report1

000770*    PLINE (' ','Grand Total');                                   Report1

000780*    PLINE ('D' INDEX(1),Sums.SalesThisMonth(3) INDEX(3) COL(50), Report1

000790*        Sums.SalesYTD(3) INDEX(4) COL(71));                      Report1

000800*    Averages.SalesThisMonth = Sums.SalesThisMonth(3) /           Report1

000810*        sums.ix(3);                                              Report1

000820*    Averages.SalesYTD = sums.salesYTD(3)/Sums.ix(3);             Report1

000830*    PLINE (' ','Count' COL(4),Sums.ix(3) COL(11),'Average'       Report1

000840*        COL(44),Averages.SalesThisMonth COL(55),                 Report1

000850*        Averages.SalesYTD COL(76));                              Report1

000860*END ROUTINE $R-End;                                              Report1

000870*ROUTINE $R-PageFoot;                                             Report1

000880**  Page Footer                                                   Report1

000890*    PLINE (' ','Printed ',JAZZ.$Today,'IN1 Report Title' COL(57),Report1

000900*        'Page ' COL(123),JAZZ.$PageNbr) SPACE(2);                Report1

000910*END ROUTINE $R-PageFoot;                                         Report1

000920*ROUTINE $R-Sums-Rollup;                                          Report1

000930**  Roll up counts and subtotals                                  Report1

000940*END ROUTINE $R-Sums-Rollup;                                      Report1


000960**                                                              **Report1

000970**               INPUT-OUTPUT Section/File-Control              **Report1

000980**                                                              **Report1


001000 INPUT-OUTPUT Section.                                            Report1

001010 FILE-CONTROL.                                                    Report1

001020     SELECT IN1  ASSIGN TO IN1                                    Report1

001030                 FILE STATUS IS IN1-STATUS.                       Report1

001040     SELECT SORTWORK ASSIGN TO SORTWK01.                          Report1

001050     SELECT FR  ASSIGN TO FR                                      Report1

001060                ORGANIZATION IS INDEXED  ACCESS IS DYNAMIC        Report1

001070                RECORD KEY IS Region OF JZ-FR                     Report1

001080                FILE STATUS IS FR-STATUS.                         Report1

001090     SELECT RepFile  ASSIGN TO RepFile                            Report1

001100                     FILE STATUS IS RepFile-STATUS.               Report1


001120**                                                              **Report1

001130**                         Data Division                        **Report1

001140**                                                              **Report1


001160 DATA DIVISION.                                                   Report1


001180**                                                              **Report1

001190**                         File Section.                        **Report1

001200**                                                              **Report1


001220 File SECTION.                                                    Report1


001240**                                                              **Report1

001250**                              IN1                             **Report1

001260**                                                              **Report1


001280 FD  IN1                                                          Report1

001290     RECORDING MODE V.                                            Report1

001300*                                                                 Report1

001310 01  JZ-IN1.                                                      Report1

001320      03 Region PIC S9(3) COMP-3.                                 Report1

001330      03 District PIC S9(3) COMP-3.                               Report1

001340      03 JZ-Name PIC X(40).                                       Report1

001350      03 SalesThisMonth PIC S9(5)V9(2) COMP-3.                    Report1

001360      03 SalesYTD PIC S9(5)V9(2) COMP-3.                          Report1

001370      03 BillingCycle PIC X.                                      Report1

001380      03 DateCommenced PIC S9(9) COMP.                            Report1


001400**                                                              **Report1

001410**                           SORTWORK                           **Report1

001420**                                                              **Report1


001440*                                                                 Report1

001450 SD  SORTWORK.                                                    Report1

001460*                                                                 Report1

001470 01  JZ-SORTWORK.                                                 Report1

001480      03 Region PIC S9(3) COMP-3.                                 Report1

001490      03 District PIC S9(3) COMP-3.                               Report1

001500      03 JZ-Name PIC X(40).                                       Report1

001510      03 SalesThisMonth PIC S9(5)V9(2) COMP-3.                    Report1

001520      03 SalesYTD PIC S9(5)V9(2) COMP-3.                          Report1


001540**                                                              **Report1

001550**                               FR                             **Report1

001560**                                                              **Report1


001580 FD  FR                                                           Report1

001590     RECORD IS VARYING IN SIZE.                                   Report1

001600*                                                                 Report1

001610 01  JZ-FR.                                                       Report1

001620      03 Region PIC 999.                                          Report1

001630      03 JZ-Name PIC X(30).                                       Report1

001640      03 Fill PIC X(47).                                          Report1


001660**                                                              **Report1

001670**                            RepFile                           **Report1

001680**                                                              **Report1


001700 FD  RepFile                                                      Report1

001710     RECORDING MODE F.                                            Report1

001720*                                                                 Report1

001730 01  JZ-RepFile                   PIC X(132).                     Report1


001750**                                                              **Report1

001760**         Working Storage Section: General Program Data        **Report1

001770**                                                              **Report1


001790*                                                                 Report1

001800 WORKING-STORAGE SECTION.                                         Report1


001820**                                                              **Report1

001830**                  General Program Information                 **Report1

001840**                                                              **Report1


001860*                                                                 Report1

001870*    Status Flags and control data                                Report1

001880 01  JZ-FileControl.                                              Report1

001890     03  SORTWORK-ENDFILE PIC X VALUE 'N'.                        Report1

001900     03  IN1-ENDFILE PIC X VALUE 'N'.                             Report1

001910     03  IN1-STATUS PIC XX VALUE '00'.                            Report1

001920     03  FR-ENDFILE PIC X VALUE 'N'.                              Report1

001930     03  FR-STATUS PIC XX VALUE '00'.                             Report1

001940     03  FR-FOUND-FLAG PIC X VALUE 'Y'.                           Report1

001950         88  FR-FOUND VALUE 'Y'.                                  Report1

001960     03  FR-UPDATEPENDING-FLAG PIC X VALUE 'N'.                   Report1

001970         88  FR-UPDATEPENDING VALUE 'Y'.                          Report1

001980     03  FR-Get4Update-FLAG PIC X VALUE 'N'.                      Report1

001990         88  FR-Get4Update VALUE 'Y'.                             Report1

002000     03  FR-HighKey PIC X(3) VALUE HIGH-VALUES.                   Report1

002010     03  RepFile-STATUS PIC XX VALUE '00'.                        Report1

002020     03  RepFile-PageNbr PIC 99999 COMP-3 VALUE 0.                Report1

002030     03  RepFile-LineCount PIC 9999 COMP VALUE 1000.              Report1

002040     03  RepFile-Space PIC 9999 COMP VALUE 1.                     Report1

002050     03  RepFile-NewPage-Enabled PIC X VALUE 'Y'.                 Report1

002060     03  RepFile-NewPage PIC X VALUE 'Y'.                         Report1

002070*                                                                 Report1

002080 01  JZ-TODAY.                                                    Report1

002090     05  JZ-DATETIMEGMT.                                          Report1

002100         10  JZ-DATETIME        PIC  9(16).                       Report1

002110         10  JZ-GMTDIFF         PIC  S9(4).                       Report1

002120     05  JZ-DATETIME-1          REDEFINES JZ-DATETIMEGMT.         Report1

002130         10  JZ-DATE            PIC  9(8).                        Report1

002140         10  JZ-TIME            PIC  9(8).                        Report1

002150         10  FILLER             PIC  S9(4).                       Report1

002160     05  JZ-DATETIME-2          REDEFINES JZ-DATETIMEGMT.         Report1

002170         10  JZ-YEAR            PIC  9(4).                        Report1

002180         10  JZ-MONTH           PIC  9(2).                        Report1

002190         10  JZ-DAY             PIC  9(2).                        Report1

002200         10  JZ-HOUR            PIC  9(2).                        Report1

002210         10  JZ-MINUTE          PIC  9(2).                        Report1

002220         10  JZ-SECOND          PIC  9(2).                        Report1

002230         10  JZ-MS              PIC  9(2).                        Report1

002240         10  FILLER             PIC  S9(4).                       Report1

002250     05  JZ-DATETIME-3          REDEFINES JZ-DATETIMEGMT.         Report1

002260         10  FILLER             PIC  9(12).                       Report1

002270         10  JZ-SECONDS         PIC  99V99.                       Report1

002280         10  FILLER             PIC  S9(4).                       Report1

002290*    Report Time Stamp                                            Report1

002300*                                                                 Report1

002310 01  JZ-ReportTS.                                                 Report1

002320         10  JZ-DAY             PIC  9(2).                        Report1

002330         10  FILLER             PIC  X VALUE SPACE.               Report1

002340         10  JZ-MONTH-NAME      PIC  X(3).                        Report1

002350         10  FILLER             PIC  X VALUE SPACE.               Report1

002360         10  JZ-YEAR            PIC  9(4).                        Report1

002370         10  JZ-COMMA           PIC  XX VALUE ', '.               Report1

002380         10  JZ-HOUR            PIC  9(2).                        Report1

002390         10  JZ-SEPCHAR1        PIC  X VALUE ':'.                 Report1

002400         10  JZ-MINUTE          PIC  9(2).                        Report1

002410         10  JZ-SEPCHAR2        PIC  X VALUE ':'.                 Report1

002420         10  JZ-SECOND          PIC  9(2).                        Report1

002430*                                                                 Report1

002440 01  JZ-ReportTimeStamp REDEFINES JZ-ReportTS PIC X(21).          Report1

002450*                                                                 Report1

002460 LOCAL-STORAGE SECTION.                                           Report1


002480**                                                              **Report1

002490**                      RepFile Print Lines                     **Report1

002500**                                                              **Report1


002520*                                                                 Report1

002530*    Save line while headings are printed                         Report1

002540 01  JZ-RepFile-Save      PIC X(132).                             Report1

002550*                                                                 Report1

002560 01  JZ-PLINE24.                                                  Report1

002570     03 FILLER            PIC X(8) VALUE 'Printed '.              Report1

002580     03 JZ-Today          PIC X(21).                              Report1

002590     03 FILLER            PIC X(27) VALUE SPACES.                 Report1

002600     03 FILLER            PIC X(16) VALUE 'IN1 Report Title'.     Report1

002610     03 FILLER            PIC X(50) VALUE SPACES.                 Report1

002620     03 FILLER            PIC X(5) VALUE 'Page '.                 Report1

002630     03 JZ-PageNbr        PIC ZZZZ9.                              Report1

002640*                                                                 Report1

002650 01  JZ-PLINE25.                                                  Report1

002660     03 FILLER            PIC X(8) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

002670     03 FILLER            PIC X(40) VALUE '*-----------------Name-Report1

002680-        '----------------*'.                                     Report1

002690     03 FILLER            PIC X(4) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

002700     03 FILLER            PIC X(14) VALUE 'SalesThisMonth'.       Report1

002710     03 FILLER            PIC X(9) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

002720     03 FILLER            PIC X(12) VALUE '*-SalesYTD-*'.         Report1

002730*                                                                 Report1

002740 01  JZ-PLINE31.                                                  Report1

002750     03 FILLER            PIC X(7) VALUE 'Region '.               Report1

002760     03 Region            PIC ---9.                               Report1

002770     03 FILLER            PIC X(4) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

002780     03 JZ-Name           PIC X(30).                              Report1

002790*                                                                 Report1

002800 01  JZ-PLINE34.                                                  Report1

002810     03 FILLER            PIC X(9) VALUE 'District '.             Report1

002820     03 District          PIC ---9.                               Report1

002830*                                                                 Report1

002840 01  JZ-PLINE37.                                                  Report1

002850     03 FILLER            PIC X(8) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

002860     03 JZ-Name           PIC X(40).                              Report1

002870     03 FILLER            PIC X(6) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

002880     03 SalesThisMonth    PIC $$$,$$9.99CR.                       Report1

002890     03 FILLER            PIC X(9) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

002900     03 SalesYTD          PIC $$$,$$9.99CR.                       Report1

002910*                                                                 Report1

002920 01  JZ-PLINE41.                                                  Report1

002930     03 FILLER            PIC X(9) VALUE 'District '.             Report1

002940     03 District          PIC ---9.                               Report1

002950     03 FILLER            PIC X(9) VALUE ' Subtotal'.             Report1

002960     03 FILLER            PIC X(27) VALUE SPACES.                 Report1

002970     03 SalesThisMonth    PIC $$$$,$$$,$$9.99CR.                  Report1

002980     03 FILLER            PIC X(4) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

002990     03 SalesYTD          PIC $$$$,$$$,$$9.99CR.                  Report1

003000*                                                                 Report1

003010 01  JZ-PLINE44.                                                  Report1

003020     03 FILLER            PIC X(3) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

003030     03 FILLER            PIC X(5) VALUE 'Count'.                 Report1

003040     03 FILLER            PIC X(2) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

003050     03 ix                PIC ---,--9.                            Report1

003060     03 FILLER            PIC X(26) VALUE SPACES.                 Report1

003070     03 FILLER            PIC X(7) VALUE 'Average'.               Report1

003080     03 FILLER            PIC X(4) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

003090     03 SalesThisMonth    PIC $$$,$$9.99CR.                       Report1

003100     03 FILLER            PIC X(9) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

003110     03 SalesYTD          PIC $$$,$$9.99CR.                       Report1

003120*                                                                 Report1

003130 01  JZ-PLINE48.                                                  Report1

003140     03 FILLER            PIC X(7) VALUE 'Region '.               Report1

003150     03 Region            PIC ---9.                               Report1

003160     03 FILLER            PIC X(9) VALUE ' Subtotal'.             Report1

003170     03 FILLER            PIC X(29) VALUE SPACES.                 Report1

003180     03 SalesThisMonth    PIC $$$$,$$$,$$9.99CR.                  Report1

003190     03 FILLER            PIC X(4) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

003200     03 SalesYTD          PIC $$$$,$$$,$$9.99CR.                  Report1

003210*                                                                 Report1

003220 01  JZ-PLINE51.                                                  Report1

003230     03 FILLER            PIC X(3) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

003240     03 FILLER            PIC X(5) VALUE 'Count'.                 Report1

003250     03 FILLER            PIC X(2) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

003260     03 ix                PIC ---,--9.                            Report1

003270     03 FILLER            PIC X(26) VALUE SPACES.                 Report1

003280     03 FILLER            PIC X(7) VALUE 'Average'.               Report1

003290     03 FILLER            PIC X(4) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

003300     03 SalesThisMonth    PIC $$$,$$9.99CR.                       Report1

003310     03 FILLER            PIC X(9) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

003320     03 SalesYTD          PIC $$$,$$9.99CR.                       Report1

003330*                                                                 Report1

003340 01  JZ-PLINE54.                                                  Report1

003350     03 FILLER            PIC X(11) VALUE 'Grand Total'.          Report1

003360*                                                                 Report1

003370 01  JZ-PLINE55.                                                  Report1

003380     03 FILLER            PIC X(49) VALUE SPACES.                 Report1

003390     03 SalesThisMonth    PIC $$$$,$$$,$$9.99CR.                  Report1

003400     03 FILLER            PIC X(4) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

003410     03 SalesYTD          PIC $$$$,$$$,$$9.99CR.                  Report1

003420*                                                                 Report1

003430 01  JZ-PLINE58.                                                  Report1

003440     03 FILLER            PIC X(3) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

003450     03 FILLER            PIC X(5) VALUE 'Count'.                 Report1

003460     03 FILLER            PIC X(2) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

003470     03 ix                PIC ---,--9.                            Report1

003480     03 FILLER            PIC X(26) VALUE SPACES.                 Report1

003490     03 FILLER            PIC X(7) VALUE 'Average'.               Report1

003500     03 FILLER            PIC X(4) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

003510     03 SalesThisMonth    PIC $$$,$$9.99CR.                       Report1

003520     03 FILLER            PIC X(9) VALUE SPACES.                  Report1

003530     03 SalesYTD          PIC $$$,$$9.99CR.                       Report1

003540*                                                                 Report1

003550 01  JZ-PLINE61.                                                  Report1

003560     03 FILLER            PIC X(8) VALUE 'Printed '.              Report1

003570     03 JZ-Today          PIC X(21).                              Report1

003580     03 FILLER            PIC X(27) VALUE SPACES.                 Report1

003590     03 FILLER            PIC X(16) VALUE 'IN1 Report Title'.     Report1

003600     03 FILLER            PIC X(50) VALUE SPACES.                 Report1

003610     03 FILLER            PIC X(5) VALUE 'Page '.                 Report1

003620     03 JZ-PageNbr        PIC ZZZZ9.                              Report1


003640**                                                              **Report1

003650**                    JZ - Jazz Sundry fields                   **Report1

003660**                                                              **Report1


003680*                                                                 Report1

003690 01  JZ.                                                          Report1

003700      03 JZ-AL PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                         Report1

003710      03 JZ-ALIM PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                       Report1

003720      03 JZ-NOFML PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                      Report1

003730      03 JZ-INDEX PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                      Report1

003740      03 JZ-INDEX2 PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                     Report1

003750      03 JZ-IXMth PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                      Report1

003760      03 IX1 PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                           Report1

003770      03 IX2 PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                           Report1

003780      03 IX3 PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                           Report1

003790      03 IX4 PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                           Report1

003800      03 IX5 PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                           Report1

003810      03 IX6 PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                           Report1

003820      03 IX7 PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                           Report1

003830      03 JZ-ST PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                         Report1

003840      03 JZ-SL PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                         Report1

003850      03 JZ-BLANK PIC XXXX VALUE SPACES.                          Report1

003860      03 JZ-CHAR80 PIC X(80) VALUE SPACES.                        Report1

003870      03 JZ-FNAME PIC X(30) VALUE SPACES.                         Report1

003880      03 JZ-KL PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                         Report1

003890      03 JZ-MLTH PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                       Report1

003900      03 JZ-INT PIC S9(9) COMP VALUE ZERO.                        Report1

003910      03 JZ-TRUEFALSE PIC XXXXX VALUE SPACES.                     Report1

003920      03 JZ-TinyNbr PIC S9(9) COMP VALUE ZERO.                    Report1

003930      03 JZ-TinyGr REDEFINES JZ-TinyNbr.                          Report1

003940        05 FILLER PIC XXX.                                        Report1

003950        05 JZ-Tiny PIC X.                                         Report1

003960      03 JZ-Error PIC X VALUE 'N'.                                Report1

003970      03 JZ-NBR1 PIC 9999 VALUE ZERO.                             Report1

003980      03 JZ-NBR1X REDEFINES JZ-NBR1 PIC XXXX.                     Report1

003990      03 JZ-NBR2 PIC 9999 VALUE ZERO.                             Report1

004000      03 JZ-NBR2X REDEFINES JZ-NBR2 PIC XXXX.                     Report1

004010      03 JZ-SUBVAL PIC ZZZZZ9 VALUE ZERO.                         Report1

004020      03 JZ-SUBVALR REDEFINES JZ-SUBVAL PIC X(6).                 Report1

004030      03 JZ-SUBDIGIT PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                   Report1

004040      03 JZ-INDEXES OCCURS 7 INDEXED BY JZIX1  PIC X(6) VALUE     Report1

004050         SPACES.                                                  Report1

004060      03 JZ-INDEXPR PIC X(6) VALUE SPACES.                        Report1

004070      03 FR-Region PIC 999 VALUE ZERO.                            Report1


004090**                                                              **Report1

004100**                             JZSMth                           **Report1

004110**                                                              **Report1


004130*                                                                 Report1

004140 01  JZSMth.                                                      Report1

004150      03 SMth PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                          Report1


004170**                                                              **Report1

004180**                           Averages                           **Report1

004190**                                                              **Report1


004210*                                                                 Report1

004220 01  Averages.                                                    Report1

004230      03 SalesThisMonth PIC S9(5)V9(2) COMP-3 VALUE ZERO.         Report1

004240      03 SalesYTD PIC S9(5)V9(2) COMP-3 VALUE ZERO.               Report1


004260**                                                              **Report1

004270**                             Break                            **Report1

004280**                                                              **Report1


004300*                                                                 Report1

004310 01  Break.                                                       Report1

004320      03 Level PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                         Report1

004330      03 Sub PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                           Report1

004340      03 Rec-Count PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO.                     Report1

004350      03 Region PIC S9(3) COMP-3 VALUE ZERO.                      Report1

004360      03 District PIC S9(3) COMP-3 VALUE ZERO.                    Report1


004380**                                                              **Report1

004390**                             Sums                             **Report1

004400**                                                              **Report1


004420*                                                                 Report1

004430 01  Sums.                                                        Report1

004440      03 ix OCCURS 4 INDEXED BY JZIX2  PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ZERO. Report1

004450      03 SalesThisMonth OCCURS 4 INDEXED BY JZIX3  PIC S9(9)V9(2) Report1

004460         COMP-3 VALUE ZERO.                                       Report1

004470      03 SalesYTD OCCURS 4 INDEXED BY JZIX4  PIC S9(9)V9(2) COMP-3Report1

004480          VALUE ZERO.                                             Report1


004500**                                                              **Report1

004510**                          Code Tables                         **Report1

004520**                                                              **Report1


004540*                                                                 Report1

004550*    JZSMth.SMth                                                  Report1

004560 01  JZCodes-JZSMth-SMth.                                         Report1

004570     03 JZValues.                                                 Report1

004580         05 FILLER PIC X(3) VALUE 'Jan'.                          Report1

004590         05 FILLER PIC X(3) VALUE 'Feb'.                          Report1

004600         05 FILLER PIC X(3) VALUE 'Mar'.                          Report1

004610         05 FILLER PIC X(3) VALUE 'Apr'.                          Report1

004620         05 FILLER PIC X(3) VALUE 'May'.                          Report1

004630         05 FILLER PIC X(3) VALUE 'Jun'.                          Report1

004640         05 FILLER PIC X(3) VALUE 'Jul'.                          Report1

004650         05 FILLER PIC X(3) VALUE 'Aug'.                          Report1

004660         05 FILLER PIC X(3) VALUE 'Sep'.                          Report1

004670         05 FILLER PIC X(3) VALUE 'Oct'.                          Report1

004680         05 FILLER PIC X(3) VALUE 'Nov'.                          Report1

004690         05 FILLER PIC X(3) VALUE 'Dec'.                          Report1

004700     03  JZTABLE REDEFINES JZValues.                              Report1

004710         05  ITEM-VALUES OCCURS 12 INDEXED BY JZIX-JZSMth-SMth.   Report1

004720             07  CODE-VALUE PIC X(3).                             Report1

004730     03  FILLER.                                                  Report1

004740         05  SEARCH-FOR PIC S9(4) COMP.                           Report1

004750         05  FOUND-VALUE PIC X(3) VALUE '***'.                    Report1


004770**                                                              **Report1

004780**                      Procedure Division.                     **Report1

004790**                                                              **Report1


004810*                                                                 Report1

004820 PROCEDURE DIVISION.                                              Report1


004840     PERFORM JZDT01.                                              Report1

004850     OPEN INPUT IN1.                                              Report1

004860     IF IN1-Status IS NOT = '00' AND IN1-Status IS NOT = '41' AND Report1

004870         IN1-Status IS NOT = '97'                                 Report1

004880         DISPLAY 'PROGRAM TERMINATED. Invalid Status Code on OPEN Report1

004890-            'IN1. CODE=' IN1-Status                              Report1

004900         GOBACK                                                   Report1

004910     END-IF .                                                     Report1

004920     Move ZERO TO Region OF JZ-IN1.                               Report1

004930     Move ZERO TO District OF JZ-IN1.                             Report1

004940     Move SPACES TO JZ-Name OF JZ-IN1.                            Report1

004950     Move ZERO TO SalesThisMonth OF JZ-IN1.                       Report1

004960     Move ZERO TO SalesYTD OF JZ-IN1.                             Report1

004970     Move LOW-VALUE TO BillingCycle OF JZ-IN1.                    Report1

004980     Move ZERO TO DateCommenced OF JZ-IN1.                        Report1

004990     OPEN INPUT FR.                                               Report1

005000     IF FR-Status IS NOT = '00' AND FR-Status IS NOT = '41' AND   Report1

005010         FR-Status IS NOT = '97'                                  Report1

005020         DISPLAY 'PROGRAM TERMINATED. Invalid Status Code on OPEN Report1

005030-            'FR. CODE=' FR-Status                                Report1

005040         GOBACK                                                   Report1

005050     END-IF .                                                     Report1

005060     Move ZERO TO Region OF JZ-FR.                                Report1

005070     Move 'No Record found' TO JZ-Name OF JZ-FR.                  Report1

005080     Move SPACES TO Fill OF JZ-FR.                                Report1

005090     OPEN OUTPUT RepFile.                                         Report1

005100     IF RepFile-Status IS NOT = '00' AND RepFile-Status IS NOT = 'Report1

005110-        '41' AND RepFile-Status IS NOT = '97'                    Report1

005120         DISPLAY 'PROGRAM TERMINATED. Invalid Status Code on OPEN Report1

005130-            'RepFile. CODE=' RepFile-Status                      Report1

005140         GOBACK                                                   Report1

005150     END-IF .                                                     Report1

005160*    Main Program Logic                                           Report1

005170     PERFORM JZ-Main-Program-Logic.                               Report1

005180*                                                                 Report1

005190 JZ-Normal-Exit.                                                  Report1

005200     PERFORM JZR-END-District.                                    Report1

005210     PERFORM JZR-END-Region.                                      Report1

005220     PERFORM JZR-END.                                             Report1

005230*    Logical end-of-program                                       Report1

005240     GOBACK.                                                      Report1


005260**                                                              **Report1

005270**                       Main Program Logic                     **Report1

005280**                                                              **Report1


005300*                                                                 Report1

005310 JZ-Main-Program-Logic.                                           Report1

005320*    PROCESS IN1 ORDER(IN1.Region BREAK,IN1.District              Report1

005330*                      BREAK,IN1.Name) REPORT COUNT Sums.ix BREAK;Report1

005340     Move ZERO TO ix OF Sums(1).                                  Report1

005350     SORT SORTWORK                                                Report1

005360         ON ASCENDING KEY Region OF JZ-SORTWORK                   Report1

005370         ON ASCENDING KEY District OF JZ-SORTWORK                 Report1

005380         ON ASCENDING KEY JZ-Name OF JZ-SORTWORK                  Report1

005390         INPUT PROCEDURE IS JZ-21-PROCESSGroup-INPUT              Report1

005400         OUTPUT PROCEDURE IS JZ-21-PROCESSGroup-OUTPUT.           Report1

005410*                                                                 Report1

005420 JZ-21-PROCESSGroup-INPUT.                                        Report1

005430     PERFORM JZ-21-PROCESSGroup-INPUT1 UNTIL IN1-ENDFILE = 'Y'.   Report1

005440*                                                                 Report1

005450 JZ-21-PROCESSGroup-INPUT1.                                       Report1

005460     READ IN1 NEXT RECORD AT END MOVE 'Y' TO IN1-ENDFILE.         Report1

005470     IF IN1-STATUS IS NOT = '00' AND IN1-STATUS IS NOT = '10'     Report1


005490-            'IN1.  Code=' IN1-STATUS                             Report1

005500         MOVE 'Y' TO IN1-ENDFILE                                  Report1

005510     END-IF.                                                      Report1

005520     IF IN1-ENDFILE = 'N'                                         Report1

005530         ADD 1 TO ix OF Sums(1)                                   Report1

005540*        Move referenced fields to Sortwork                       Report1

005550         Move Region OF JZ-IN1 TO Region OF JZ-SORTWORK           Report1

005560         Move District OF JZ-IN1 TO District OF JZ-SORTWORK       Report1

005570         Move JZ-Name OF JZ-IN1 TO JZ-Name OF JZ-SORTWORK         Report1

005580         Move SalesThisMonth OF JZ-IN1 TO SalesThisMonth OF       Report1

005590             JZ-SORTWORK                                          Report1

005600         Move SalesYTD OF JZ-IN1 TO SalesYTD OF JZ-SORTWORK       Report1

005610         RELEASE JZ-SORTWORK                                      Report1

005620     END-IF.                                                      Report1

005630*                                                                 Report1

005640 JZ-21-PROCESSGroup-OUTPUT.                                       Report1

005650     Move ZERO TO ix OF Sums(1).                                  Report1


005670-        'Y'.                                                     Report1

005680*                                                                 Report1

005690 JZ-21-PROCESSGroup-OUTPUT1.                                      Report1


005710         END-RETURN.                                              Report1

005720     IF SORTWORK-ENDFILE = 'N'                                    Report1

005730*        Move referenced fields back from Sortwork                Report1

005740         Move Region OF JZ-SORTWORK TO Region OF JZ-IN1           Report1

005750         Move District OF JZ-SORTWORK TO District OF JZ-IN1       Report1

005760         Move JZ-Name OF JZ-SORTWORK TO JZ-Name OF JZ-IN1         Report1

005770         Move SalesThisMonth OF JZ-SORTWORK TO SalesThisMonth OF  Report1

005780             JZ-IN1                                               Report1

005790         Move SalesYTD OF JZ-SORTWORK TO SalesYTD OF JZ-IN1       Report1

005800*        Control break Processing                                 Report1

005810         PERFORM RepFile-CBreak                                   Report1

005820         Add 1 TO ix OF Sums(1)                                   Report1

005830         PERFORM JZR-Detail                                       Report1

005840*        END PROCESS IN1;                                         Report1

005850         CONTINUE                                                 Report1

005860     END-IF.                                                      Report1


005880**                                                              **Report1

005890**                           Routines                           **Report1

005900**                                                              **Report1


005920 JZR-PageHead.                                                    Report1

005930     MOVE 'N' TO RepFile-NewPage-Enabled.                         Report1

005940*    PLINE ('P','Printed ',JAZZ.$Today,'IN1 Report Title'         Report1

005950*                    COL(57),'Page ' COL(123),JAZZ.$PageNbr) PAGE;Report1

005960     MOVE JZ-ReportTimeStamp TO JZ-Today OF JZ-PLINE24.           Report1

005970     MOVE RepFile-PageNbr TO JZ-PageNbr OF JZ-PLINE24.            Report1

005980     MOVE 60 TO RepFile-LineCount.                                Report1

005990     MOVE 1 TO RepFile-Space.                                     Report1

006000     MOVE JZ-PLINE24 TO JZ-RepFile.                               Report1

006010     PERFORM Repfile-PRINT.                                       Report1

006020*    PLINE ('D'                                                   Report1

006030*    INDEX(1),'*-----------------Name-----------------*' INDEX(2) Report1

006040*    COL(9),'SalesThisMonth' INDEX(3) COL(53),'*-SalesYTD-*'      Report1

006050*                                               INDEX(4) COL(76));Report1

006060     MOVE 1 TO RepFile-Space.                                     Report1

006070     MOVE JZ-PLINE25 TO JZ-RepFile.                               Report1

006080     PERFORM Repfile-PRINT.                                       Report1

006090*    END ROUTINE $R-PageHead;                                     Report1

006100     MOVE 'Y' TO RepFile-NewPage-Enabled.                         Report1

006110*                                                                 Report1

006120 JZR-Head.                                                        Report1

006130*    END ROUTINE $R-Head;                                         Report1

006140*                                                                 Report1

006150 JZR-Head-Region.                                                 Report1

006160*    GET FR WHERE (FR.Region = IN1.Region);                       Report1

006170     PERFORM JZ-30-GET.                                           Report1

006180*                                                                 Report1

006190 JZ-30-GET.                                                       Report1

006200*    GET FR WHERE (FR.Region = IN1.Region);                       Report1

006210     MOVE 'N' TO FR-Get4Update-FLAG.                              Report1

006220     MOVE Region OF JZ-IN1 TO Region OF JZ-FR.                    Report1

006230     MOVE 'Y' TO FR-Found-Flag.                                   Report1

006240     READ FR KEY Region OF JZ-FR INVALID KEY MOVE 'N' TO          Report1

006250         FR-Found-Flag END-READ.                                  Report1

006260     IF FR-Found-Flag = 'N'                                       Report1

006270         PERFORM FR-Initialize-30                                 Report1

006280     END-IF.                                                      Report1

006290*    PLINE (' ','Region ',IN1.Region,FR.Name COL(16));            Report1

006300     MOVE Region OF JZ-IN1 TO Region OF JZ-PLINE31.               Report1

006310     MOVE JZ-Name OF JZ-FR TO JZ-Name OF JZ-PLINE31.              Report1

006320     MOVE 1 TO RepFile-Space.                                     Report1

006330     MOVE JZ-PLINE31 TO JZ-RepFile.                               Report1

006340     PERFORM Repfile-PRINT.                                       Report1

006350*    END ROUTINE $R-Head-Region;                                  Report1

006360*                                                                 Report1

006370 JZR-Head-District.                                               Report1

006380*    PLINE (' ','District ',IN1.District);                        Report1

006390     MOVE District OF JZ-IN1 TO District OF JZ-PLINE34.           Report1

006400     MOVE 1 TO RepFile-Space.                                     Report1

006410     MOVE JZ-PLINE34 TO JZ-RepFile.                               Report1

006420     PERFORM Repfile-PRINT.                                       Report1

006430*    END ROUTINE $R-Head-District;                                Report1

006440*                                                                 Report1

006450 JZR-Detail.                                                      Report1

006460*    PLINE ('D' INDEX(1),IN1.Name INDEX(2)                        Report1

006470*    COL(9),IN1.SalesThisMonth INDEX(3) SUM COL(55),IN1.SalesYTD  Report1

006480*                                           INDEX(4) SUM COL(76));Report1

006490     MOVE JZ-Name OF JZ-IN1 TO JZ-Name OF JZ-PLINE37.             Report1

006500     MOVE SalesThisMonth OF JZ-IN1 TO SalesThisMonth OF           Report1

006510         JZ-PLINE37.                                              Report1

006520     ADD SalesThisMonth OF JZ-IN1 TO SalesThisMonth OF Sums(1).   Report1

006530     MOVE SalesYTD OF JZ-IN1 TO SalesYTD OF JZ-PLINE37.           Report1

006540     ADD SalesYTD OF JZ-IN1 TO SalesYTD OF Sums(1).               Report1

006550     MOVE 1 TO RepFile-Space.                                     Report1

006560     MOVE JZ-PLINE37 TO JZ-RepFile.                               Report1

006570     PERFORM Repfile-PRINT.                                       Report1

006580*    END ROUTINE $R-Detail;                                       Report1

006590*                                                                 Report1

006600 JZR-End-District.                                                Report1

006610*    Break.Sub = 1;                                               Report1

006620     MOVE 1 TO Sub OF Break.                                      Report1

006630*    PLINE ('D' INDEX(1),'District ',Break.District,'             Report1

006640*    Subtotal',Sums.SalesThisMonth(1) INDEX(3)                    Report1

006650*                      COL(50),Sums.SalesYTD(1) INDEX(4) COL(71));Report1

006660     MOVE District OF Break TO District OF JZ-PLINE41.            Report1

006670     MOVE SalesThisMonth OF Sums(1) TO SalesThisMonth OF          Report1

006680         JZ-PLINE41.                                              Report1

006690     MOVE SalesYTD OF Sums(1) TO SalesYTD OF JZ-PLINE41.          Report1

006700     MOVE 1 TO RepFile-Space.                                     Report1

006710     MOVE JZ-PLINE41 TO JZ-RepFile.                               Report1

006720     PERFORM Repfile-PRINT.                                       Report1

006730*    Averages.SalesThisMonth = Sums.SalesThisMonth(1) /           Report1

006740*                                                      sums.ix(1);Report1

006750     COMPUTE SalesThisMonth OF Averages = SalesThisMonth OF Sums  Report1

006760         (1 )/ ix OF Sums (1 ).                                   Report1

006770*    Averages.SalesYTD = sums.salesYTD(1)/Sums.ix(1);             Report1

006780     COMPUTE SalesYTD OF Averages = SalesYTD OF Sums (1 )/ ix OF  Report1

006790         Sums (1 ).                                               Report1

006800*    PLINE (' ','Count' COL(4),Sums.ix(1) COL(11),'Average'       Report1

006810*    COL(44),Averages.SalesThisMonth COL(55),Averages.SalesYTD    Report1

006820*                                                        COL(76));Report1

006830     MOVE ix OF Sums(1) TO ix OF JZ-PLINE44.                      Report1

006840     MOVE SalesThisMonth OF Averages TO SalesThisMonth OF         Report1

006850         JZ-PLINE44.                                              Report1

006860     MOVE SalesYTD OF Averages TO SalesYTD OF JZ-PLINE44.         Report1

006870     MOVE 1 TO RepFile-Space.                                     Report1

006880     MOVE JZ-PLINE44 TO JZ-RepFile.                               Report1

006890     PERFORM Repfile-PRINT.                                       Report1

006900*    END ROUTINE $R-End-District;                                 Report1

006910     PERFORM JZR-Sums-Rollup.                                     Report1

006920*                                                                 Report1

006930 JZR-End-Region.                                                  Report1

006940*    Break.Sub = 2;                                               Report1

006950     MOVE 2 TO Sub OF Break.                                      Report1

006960*    PLINE ('D' INDEX(1),'Region ',Break.Region,'                 Report1

006970*    Subtotal',Sums.SalesThisMonth(2) INDEX(3)                    Report1

006980*                      COL(50),Sums.SalesYTD(2) INDEX(4) COL(71));Report1

006990     MOVE Region OF Break TO Region OF JZ-PLINE48.                Report1

007000     MOVE SalesThisMonth OF Sums(2) TO SalesThisMonth OF          Report1

007010         JZ-PLINE48.                                              Report1

007020     MOVE SalesYTD OF Sums(2) TO SalesYTD OF JZ-PLINE48.          Report1

007030     MOVE 1 TO RepFile-Space.                                     Report1

007040     MOVE JZ-PLINE48 TO JZ-RepFile.                               Report1

007050     PERFORM Repfile-PRINT.                                       Report1

007060*    Averages.SalesThisMonth = Sums.SalesThisMonth(2) /           Report1

007070*                                                      sums.ix(2);Report1

007080     COMPUTE SalesThisMonth OF Averages = SalesThisMonth OF Sums  Report1

007090         (2 )/ ix OF Sums (2 ).                                   Report1

007100*    Averages.SalesYTD = sums.salesYTD(2)/Sums.ix(2);             Report1

007110     COMPUTE SalesYTD OF Averages = SalesYTD OF Sums (2 )/ ix OF  Report1

007120         Sums (2 ).                                               Report1

007130*    PLINE (' ','Count' COL(4),Sums.ix(2) COL(11),'Average'       Report1

007140*    COL(44),Averages.SalesThisMonth COL(55),Averages.SalesYTD    Report1

007150*                                                        COL(76));Report1

007160     MOVE ix OF Sums(2) TO ix OF JZ-PLINE51.                      Report1

007170     MOVE SalesThisMonth OF Averages TO SalesThisMonth OF         Report1

007180         JZ-PLINE51.                                              Report1

007190     MOVE SalesYTD OF Averages TO SalesYTD OF JZ-PLINE51.         Report1

007200     MOVE 1 TO RepFile-Space.                                     Report1

007210     MOVE JZ-PLINE51 TO JZ-RepFile.                               Report1

007220     PERFORM Repfile-PRINT.                                       Report1

007230*    END ROUTINE $R-End-Region;                                   Report1

007240     PERFORM JZR-Sums-Rollup.                                     Report1

007250*                                                                 Report1

007260 JZR-End.                                                         Report1

007270*    PLINE (' ','Grand Total');                                   Report1

007280     MOVE 1 TO RepFile-Space.                                     Report1

007290     MOVE JZ-PLINE54 TO JZ-RepFile.                               Report1

007300     PERFORM Repfile-PRINT.                                       Report1

007310*    PLINE ('D' INDEX(1),Sums.SalesThisMonth(3) INDEX(3)          Report1

007320*                      COL(50),Sums.SalesYTD(3) INDEX(4) COL(71));Report1

007330     MOVE SalesThisMonth OF Sums(3) TO SalesThisMonth OF          Report1

007340         JZ-PLINE55.                                              Report1

007350     MOVE SalesYTD OF Sums(3) TO SalesYTD OF JZ-PLINE55.          Report1

007360     MOVE 1 TO RepFile-Space.                                     Report1

007370     MOVE JZ-PLINE55 TO JZ-RepFile.                               Report1

007380     PERFORM Repfile-PRINT.                                       Report1

007390*    Averages.SalesThisMonth = Sums.SalesThisMonth(3) /           Report1

007400*                                                      sums.ix(3);Report1

007410     COMPUTE SalesThisMonth OF Averages = SalesThisMonth OF Sums  Report1

007420         (3 )/ ix OF Sums (3 ).                                   Report1

007430*    Averages.SalesYTD = sums.salesYTD(3)/Sums.ix(3);             Report1

007440     COMPUTE SalesYTD OF Averages = SalesYTD OF Sums (3 )/ ix OF  Report1

007450         Sums (3 ).                                               Report1

007460*    PLINE (' ','Count' COL(4),Sums.ix(3) COL(11),'Average'       Report1

007470*    COL(44),Averages.SalesThisMonth COL(55),Averages.SalesYTD    Report1

007480*                                                        COL(76));Report1

007490     MOVE ix OF Sums(3) TO ix OF JZ-PLINE58.                      Report1

007500     MOVE SalesThisMonth OF Averages TO SalesThisMonth OF         Report1

007510         JZ-PLINE58.                                              Report1

007520     MOVE SalesYTD OF Averages TO SalesYTD OF JZ-PLINE58.         Report1

007530     MOVE 1 TO RepFile-Space.                                     Report1

007540     MOVE JZ-PLINE58 TO JZ-RepFile.                               Report1

007550     PERFORM Repfile-PRINT.                                       Report1

007560*    END ROUTINE $R-End;                                          Report1

007570*                                                                 Report1

007580 JZR-PageFoot.                                                    Report1

007590     MOVE 'N' TO RepFile-NewPage-Enabled.                         Report1

007600*    PLINE (' ','Printed ',JAZZ.$Today,'IN1 Report Title'         Report1

007610*                COL(57),'Page ' COL(123),JAZZ.$PageNbr) SPACE(2);Report1

007620     MOVE JZ-ReportTimeStamp TO JZ-Today OF JZ-PLINE61.           Report1

007630     MOVE RepFile-PageNbr TO JZ-PageNbr OF JZ-PLINE61.            Report1

007640     MOVE 2 TO RepFile-Space.                                     Report1

007650     MOVE JZ-PLINE61 TO JZ-RepFile.                               Report1

007660     PERFORM Repfile-PRINT.                                       Report1

007670*    END ROUTINE $R-PageFoot;                                     Report1

007680     MOVE 'Y' TO RepFile-NewPage-Enabled.                         Report1

007690*                                                                 Report1

007700 JZR-Sums-Rollup.                                                 Report1

007710*    END ROUTINE $R-Sums-Rollup;                                  Report1

007720     ADD ix OF Sums(SUB OF Break) TO ix OF Sums(SUB OF Break + 1).Report1

007730     MOVE 0 TO ix OF Sums(SUB OF Break).                          Report1

007740     ADD SalesThisMonth OF Sums(SUB OF Break) TO SalesThisMonth OFReport1

007750          Sums(SUB OF Break + 1).                                 Report1

007760     MOVE 0 TO SalesThisMonth OF Sums(SUB OF Break).              Report1

007770     ADD SalesYTD OF Sums(SUB OF Break) TO SalesYTD OF Sums(SUB OFReport1

007780          Break + 1).                                             Report1

007790     MOVE 0 TO SalesYTD OF Sums(SUB OF Break).                    Report1


007810**                                                              **Report1

007820**                   Code Conversion Routines                   **Report1

007830**                                                              **Report1


007850*                                                                 Report1

007860*    Convert JZSMth-SMth code to value                            Report1

007870 JZCvt-JZSMth-SMth.                                               Report1

007880*    Input: SEARCH-FOR OF JZCodes-JZSMth-SMth                     Report1

007890*    Output: FOUND-VALUE OF JZCodes-JZSMth-SMth                   Report1

007900*        If Invalid, FOUND-VALUE will be set to '****',           Report1

007910*             field JZ-CHAR80 will contain an error message       Report1

007920     SET JZIX-JZSMth-SMth TO SEARCH-FOR OF JZCodes-JZSMth-SMth.   Report1

007930     IF JZIX-JZSMth-SMth < 1 OR JZIX-JZSMth-SMth > 12             Report1

007940         MOVE 'Outside Code Range' TO JZ-CHAR80                   Report1

007950         MOVE '***' TO FOUND-VALUE OF JZCodes-JZSMth-SMth         Report1

007960     ELSE                                                         Report1

007970         MOVE CODE-Value OF JZCodes-JZSMth-SMth(JZIX-JZSMth-SMth) Report1

007980             TO FOUND-VALUE OF JZCodes-JZSMth-SMth                Report1

007990     END-IF.                                                      Report1


008010**                                                              **Report1

008020**                         Print Routine                        **Report1

008030**                                                              **Report1


008050*                                                                 Report1

008060 RepFile-PRINT.                                                   Report1

008070     If RepFile-LineCount >= 58                                   Report1

008080         If RepFile-NewPage-Enabled = 'Y'                         Report1

008090             MOVE JZ-RepFile TO JZ-RepFile-SAVE                   Report1

008100             IF RepFile-PageNbr > ZERO                            Report1

008110                 PERFORM JZR-PageFoot                             Report1

008120             END-IF                                               Report1

008130             Move 'Y' TO RepFile-NewPage                          Report1

008140             Add 1 TO Repfile-PageNbr                             Report1

008150             PERFORM JZR-PageHead                                 Report1

008160             MOVE JZ-RepFile-SAVE TO JZ-RepFile                   Report1

008170         END-IF                                                   Report1

008180         IF RepFile-NewPage = 'Y'                                 Report1

008190             WRITE JZ-RepFile AFTER ADVANCING PAGE                Report1

008200             Move 'N' TO RepFile-NewPage                          Report1

008210             Move 0 TO RepFile-LineCount                          Report1

008220         ELSE                                                     Report1

008230             WRITE JZ-RepFile AFTER ADVANCING RepFile-SPACE LINES Report1

008240         END-IF                                                   Report1

008250     ELSE                                                         Report1

008260         WRITE JZ-RepFile AFTER ADVANCING RepFile-SPACE LINES     Report1

008270         ADD RepFile-SPACE TO RepFile-LineCount                   Report1

008280     END-IF.                                                      Report1


008300**                                                              **Report1

008310**                        Sundry Routines                       **Report1

008320**                                                              **Report1


008340*                                                                 Report1

008350*    Format Date for reports                                      Report1

008360 JZDT01.                                                          Report1

008370*    Move Corresponding JZ-DATETIME-2 TO JZ-ReportTS              Report1

008380     MOVE JZ-DAY OF JZ-DateTIME-2 TO JZ-DAY OF JZ-ReportTS.       Report1

008390     MOVE JZ-YEAR OF JZ-DateTIME-2 TO JZ-YEAR OF JZ-ReportTS.     Report1

008400     MOVE JZ-HOUR OF JZ-DateTIME-2 TO JZ-HOUR OF JZ-ReportTS.     Report1

008410     MOVE JZ-MINUTE OF JZ-DateTIME-2 TO JZ-MINUTE OF JZ-ReportTS. Report1

008420     MOVE JZ-SECOND OF JZ-DateTIME-2 TO JZ-SECOND OF JZ-ReportTS. Report1

008430*    Format Month                                                 Report1

008440     MOVE JZ-MONTH TO SMth OF JZSMth.                             Report1

008450     MOVE SMth OF JZSMth TO SEARCH-FOR OF JZCodes-JZSMth-SMth.    Report1

008460     PERFORM JZCvt-JZSMth-SMth.                                   Report1

008470     MOVE FOUND-VALUE OF JZCodes-JZSMth-SMth TO JZ-MONTH-NAME.    Report1

008480*                                                                 Report1

008490 RepFile-CBreak.                                                  Report1

008500*    1.   Set LEVEL OF BREAK                                      Report1

008510     Add 1 TO Rec-Count OF BREAK.                                 Report1

008520     IF Rec-Count OF BREAK = 1                                    Report1

008530*        1st Record, just set control fields. Level already 0     Report1

008540         MOVE Region OF JZ-IN1 TO Region OF BREAK                 Report1

008550         MOVE District OF JZ-IN1 TO District OF BREAK             Report1

008560     ELSE                                                         Report1

008570         IF Region OF JZ-IN1 IS NOT = Region OF BREAK             Report1

008580             MOVE 2 TO Level OF BREAK                             Report1

008590         ELSE                                                     Report1

008600             IF District OF JZ-IN1 IS NOT = District OF BREAK     Report1

008610                 MOVE 1 TO Level OF BREAK                         Report1

008620             ELSE                                                 Report1

008630                 MOVE 0 TO Level OF BREAK                         Report1

008640             END-IF                                               Report1

008650         END-IF                                                   Report1

008660     END-IF.                                                      Report1

008670*    2.  IF level of control break > 0, perform END routines      Report1

008680     IF Level OF BREAK > 0                                        Report1

008690         PERFORM JZR-END-District                                 Report1

008700     END-IF.                                                      Report1

008710     IF Level OF BREAK > 1                                        Report1

008720         PERFORM JZR-END-Region                                   Report1

008730     END-IF.                                                      Report1

008740*    3.   Reset for new control break                             Report1

008750     IF Rec-Count OF BREAK = 1                                    Report1

008760         PERFORM JZR-HEAD                                         Report1

008770         PERFORM JZR-HEAD-Region                                  Report1

008780         PERFORM JZR-HEAD-District                                Report1

008790     END-IF.                                                      Report1

008800     IF Level OF BREAK >= 2                                       Report1

008810         Move Region OF JZ-IN1 TO Region OF BREAK                 Report1

008820         PERFORM JZR-HEAD-Region                                  Report1

008830     END-IF.                                                      Report1

008840     IF Level OF BREAK >= 1                                       Report1

008850         Move District OF JZ-IN1 TO District OF BREAK             Report1

008860         PERFORM JZR-HEAD-District                                Report1

008870     END-IF.                                                      Report1

008880*                                                                 Report1

008890 FR-Initialize-30.                                                Report1

008900     PERFORM FR-Initialize.                                       Report1

008910     MOVE Region OF JZ-IN1 TO Region OF JZ-FR.                    Report1

008920*                                                                 Report1

008930 FR-Initialize.                                                   Report1

008940*    Initialize non-key fields                                    Report1

008950     Move 'No Record found' TO JZ-Name OF JZ-FR.                  Report1